Baby is born
13 to 15 months
crawls foward or backword with varying speed -
30 to 36 months
begins to classify objects into general categories -
16 to 18 months
May show hand preference in all activities -
16 to 18 months
Vocabulary increases to six to ten words -
19 to 21 months
Sits on floor from standing position quite easily -
19 to 21 months
Processes from simple imitation to imaginative play -
22 to 24 months
shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger movements
becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves -
22 to 24 months
becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves -
24 to 30 months
enjoys running but is unable ro measure sudden stops. May collide with other people or obstacles -
24 to 30 months
remembers sequence of stories and may be able to retell them -
13 to 15 months
Notices actions of other children and adults -
30 to 36 months
likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backword