Baby is born
13 - 15 months (Physical)
May stand errect with only slight support
Improved grasping skills
Cruises along furniture
May be able to walk a few steps alone -
13 - 15 months (Cognitive)
Notices actions of other children and adults
Increases vocabulary to four to six words
Explores different features of objects as if studying them
Has very short memory and almost no forethought -
16 - 18 months (Physical)
May be able to walk sideways
May begin to show hand preference
Walks fast and runs stiffly
Jumps with both feet -
16 - 18 months (Cognitive)
Very inquisitive about everything
Vocabulary increases to six to ten words
Scribbles more freely
Indentifies simple pictures, such as "dog" and "ball" -
19 - 21 months (Physical)
Baby DancingResponds rhythmically to music with whole body
Loves to run, jump and climb
Hangs from bar, grasping with hands
Squats easily in play -
19 - 21 months (Cognitive)
Progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play
Enjoys labeling objects and parts of the body
Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
Is interested in tiny things such as bugs -
22 - 24 months (Physical)
Walks with more coordination and assurance
Walks sideways and backwards with ease
Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements
Lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running -
22 - 24 months (Cognitive)
May distinguish between "one" and "many"
Recognizes when pictures in a book is upside down
Has vocabulary of fifty or more words
Is interested in sound repitition -
24 - 30 months (Physical) Happy 2nd Birthday!
Climbs everywhere indoors, even forbidden places
Kicks ball forward
Opens doors by turning knobs
Likes to take jar lids off and screw them back on -
24 - 30 months (Cognitive) Happy 2nd Birthday!
Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
Enjoys playing house and imitating family situations
Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more
Refers to self by name, then learns to use pronouns -
30 - 36 months (Physical)
Enjoys games involving running
Goes up stairs by alternating feet, but goes down one foot at a time
Walks on tiptoe
Sits in adult chairs and may prefer these to smaller chairs -
30 - 36 months (Cognitive)
Can remember and follow three-step commands
Recognizes self in photographs
Starts to use past tense and plurals
Ask names of objects and repeats them