Toddler Timeline


  • 13- 15 Months Physical Development

    13- 15 Months Physical Development
    Cruises along furniture. Begin to stand on their own. Can take steps while holding onto parents' hands.
  • 13- 15 Months Cognitive Development

    13- 15 Months Cognitive Development
    Shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surfaces. May attempt to imitate words others say. Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures.
  • 16- 18 Cognitive Development

    16- 18 Cognitive Development
    -Your toddler will begin to scribble more freely but also can imitate strokes of drawing.
    -Your toddler will start to say "no" more than any other word.
    -Toddlers 16-18 can also remember where objects belong
  • 16- 18 Physical Development

    16- 18 Physical Development
    May be able to walk sideways. Stands on either foot with support. Walks fast and runs stiffly.
  • 19- 21 Physical Development

    19- 21 Physical Development
    -Walks sides and backwards , squats easlily in play , loves to run , jump.
    -Holds two objects in hand very easliy
    -Can bulid blocks very easily with five or six blocks
  • 19- 21 Cognitive Development

    19- 21 Cognitive Development
    -Your toddler will now start to place circles, triangles, and squares in form board.
    -They will also LOVE to hear nursery rhymes
    -Has a vocabulary of about 20 words
  • 22- 24 Cognitive Development

    22- 24 Cognitive Development
    Has vocabulary of 50 or more words
    -Is able to ask for things using simple words
    -Is interested in sound repetition
  • 22- 24 Physical Development

    22- 24 Physical Development
    -Lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running
    -Walks coordination and assurance
    -Snips papper with scissors and holds crayon with thumb and fingers
  • 22- 24 Cognitive Development

    22- 24 Cognitive Development
    Has vocabulary of 50 or more words
    -Is able to ask for things using simple words
    -Is interested in sound repetition
  • 24- 30 Physical Development

    24- 30 Physical Development
    -Can open doors by turning knobs
    -Can remove wrapper from candy and gum
    -Can soap hands and arms easily
    -Climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden areas in the house.
  • 24- 30 Cognitive Development

    24- 30 Cognitive Development
    -Toddlers this age have a vocabulary of 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period
    -They understand cause and effect in terms of own behavior & they enjoy playing house and imitating family situations
    -Can follow two step commands
  • 30- 36 Physical Development

    30- 36 Physical Development
    -Love running or walking sideways or even backwards
    -Climbs up slide ladder ands slides down
    -Throws ball overhead, but nut aim is still poor
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    -Can make own decisions and they think about what to do before they do it.
    -Will ask names of objects and repeat them
    -May use prepositions, and may also use personal pronouns correctly