
Toddler Timeline

  • 13-15 months

    13-15 months
    Physical Development:
    - Climbs on chairs, sofas, and tables.
    - May climb out of crib, higher chairs, or stronller.
    - Builds small towers of blocks.
  • 13-15 Months

    13-15 Months
    - Is able to fit round block into round hole in form board.
    - Shows interest in new textures by rubbing finging over surfaces.
  • Period: to

    Toddler Timeline

  • 16-18 months

    16-18 months
    Physical Developments:
    - Works jigsaw puzzles with 1-2 pieces.
    - Place round peg in a pegboard.
    pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
  • 16-18 month

    16-18 month
    - Define simple pictures in books, such as "ball" , "doggie" and so on.
    - Scribbles freely and can also imitatestrokes in drawings.
  • 19-21 months

    19-21 months
    Physical Development:
    - Squats easily in play.
    - Sits on floor from standing poisyion quite easily.
  • 19-21 month

    19-21 month
    - Learns to distinguish different sounds and smell.
    - Imitates simple actions on request.
  • 22-24 month

    22-24 month
    Physical Development
    - kicks ball forward.
    - Throws ball overhead but without aiming.
  • 22-24 Months

    22-24 Months
    -May be able to draw crude on pictures and insterpret what they are.
    - Distinguishes between vertical and horisontal lines.
  • 24-30 Months

    24-30 Months
    - Can follow two-step commands
    - Solves problems by imitating past actions.
  • 24-30 month

    24-30 month
    Physical Development
    - I can walk up stairs one foot at a time.
    - I can walk backward.
    - I can balance on one foot which helps me climb.
  • 30-36 Months

    30-36 Months
    Physical development
    -Trhrows ball overhead but aim is still poor.
    - Jumps from any elevated object ,sometimes miscalathing height.
    - walks on tiptoe.
  • 30-36 month

    30-36 month
    - Can remeber and folllow three-step commands.
    - Identifies familiar objects by touch.
    _ becomes more skilled at putting puzzles together.