On March 1, 2007, baby is born! -
13-15 months Physical Development
At 13-15 months baby cruises along furniture, walks a few steps alone, and climb stairs on hands and knees. -
13-15 months Cognitive Development
At 13-15 months, babies notice actions of other children and adults, mimic other peoples actions, and slowly increases vocabulary. -
16-18 months Physical Development
At 16-18 months, babies walk faster and runs stiffly, squats down smoothly from standing postion, improves throwing motion, and jumps with both feet. -
16-18 months Cognitive Development
At 16-18 months, babies gradually refines concepts, is very inquisitive about everything, remembers where objects belong, and has a short attention span. -
19-21 months Physical Development
At 19-21 months, babies walk sideways and backwards, runs without falling often, walks up and down stairs with help, and loves to run, jump and climb. -
19-21 months Cognitive Development
At 19-2h1 months, babies are interested in tiny things, remember familiar objects without seeing them, and likes to make marks on paper with big crayons. -
22-24 months Physical Development
At 22-24 months, babies bounce and sway in simple dancing movements, lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running, and can throw a ball over head instead of tossing. -
22-24 months Cognitive Development
At 22-24 months, babies become interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselve, babies are curious about objects in their environment, and follows simple directions. -
24-30 months Physical Development
At 24-30 months, babies opens doors by turning knobs, can remove wrappings from gum and candy, and climbs everywhere inside; including forbidden places. -
24-30 months Cognitive Development
At 24-30 months, babies like to imitate drawings of older children, recognizes familiar signs in environment, and remembers sequence of stories and may be able to retell them. -
30-36 months Physical Development
At 30-36 months, babies like to be in constant motion; running or walking sideways or backwards, goes up stairs by alternating feet but goes down one foot at a time, and walks on tiptoes. -
30-36 months Congnitive Development
At 30-36 months, babies can remember and follow three-step commands, can stack rings in the correct order, and recognizes self in photographs.