Baby is born
Emotional And Social Development
- Shows pride in personal accomplishments (ex.Clapping) *Likes to exhibit affecctions to humans and objects. *Prefers to keep parent or caregiver insight while exploring enviorments.
*Shows peference for family memebers over others.
*Shows off for a audience
* -
Intellectual Development 16 to 18 months
*Remembers where objects belong
*Short attentions span
*Tries to immitate the way parents use objects
*Vocabulary expanda 6 to 10 words -
Physical Development 16-18 months
*Maybe able to walk sideways
*Stands on either foot with support
*Walks fast but runs stiffly
*Walks into ball; is unable to kick the ball.
*Small motor skills
*May show prefrence in small activities -
physical development 13-15 months
*May stand alone without supoort for short time
*Maybe ale to walk a few steps along
*Crawl over small barriers
*May climb stairs (hands or knees)
*Sit in small chairs for small amounts of time -
Intellectual Development
*Looks in correct place for toys that roll out of sight.
*Expirements with actions never tried before.
*Has very short memory and almost no forethought.
*Slowly increases vocabulary to four to six words.
*May attempt to imitate words others say. -
emotional and social 16 to 19 moths
Hugs favorite toys and may carry them all the time.
Is unable to tolerate frustration.
May hug pets too hard when wanting to show affection.
Enjoy ability to do things indenpendently.
Is very scially responsive to parents and caregivers.
Responds to simple requests. -
Large Motor Skills 19 to 21 months
Runs without falling.
Walks up and down the stairs with help.
Loves to run,jump and climb.
Hangs from bar, grasping with hands.
Small Motor Skills
Holds two objects in hand easily.
Builds tower of five or six blocks. -
Intellectual Development 19 to 21 months
Can remeber familiar objects without seeing them.
Is interested in tiny things such as bugs.
Likes to make big marks on paper with big crayons.
Has vocabulary of about 20 words.
Uses speech to desired results. -
Emotional and Social 19 to 21 months
May reveal feelings of jealousy.
May become more possessive of toys, hiding them from other.
Begins to show sympathy for another child or adult.
Continues to desire personal attention.
Likes to help with household tasks. -
Emotional and Social 22 to 24 Months
Displays signs of love for parents and other favorite people.
May express increased possessive attitude.
May show some aggresive tendencies, such as slapping,bitting,hitting.
Has strong positive or negative reactions.
Recognize own power to be effective.
Is more responsive to, and more demanding of, adults.
Desires approval in social situations.
Still prefers to play alone but likes to be near others.
Enjoys water play. -
Intellectual Development 30 to 36 Months
Begins to classify objects into general cateories.
Tries ouy various roles in make-believe play.
Tries new play activities to discover more about how things work.
Vocabulary starts 500 words words and increases to 900 or 1000 in this period.
Creates two-to three- word sentences, including verbs. -
Physical Development 22 to 24 months
Walks sideways and backwards with ease.
Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements.
Jumps with both feet off the floor.
Throws ball overhead instead of tossing.
Small Motor Skills
Shows increased coordination and smother hand and finger movements. -
Intellectual Development 22 to 24 months
Becomes intersted in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves.
Is curious about objects in environment; feels squeezes,pulls and pushes objects.
Follows simple directions is able to match familiar objects.
Recognize when picture in book is upside down.
Has vocabulary of 50 or more words.
Continues to ask "whats that?" -
Emotional and Social 24 to 30 months
Continues to be self- centered
May exhibit negativism understanding sharing, but may give back toy that belongs to someone else.
Displays jealousy.
Emotional and Social
Does not like to share toys.
Has to learn to say please but often desires toys of other children. -
Physical Development 24 to 30 months
Climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places.
Plays on swing,ladder and other playground equipment.
Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of
Small Motor Skills
Can carefully turn pages of book one page at a time.
Can soap hands and arms easily. -
Intellectual Development 24 to 30 Months
Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows.
Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior.
Is better able to plan a play activity and carry it out.
Remember sequence of stories and may be able to retell them.
Likes to imitate drawings of older children. -
Emotional and Social 30 to 36 Months
Likes to dress self and needs praise and encouragement when correct.
May have trouble sleeping if day's events have been emtional.
Wants independence but shows fear of new experiences.
Needs an understanding,orderly enviroment. -
Physical Development 30 to 36 Months
Enjoys game involving running.
Sits in adults chairs and prefer these to smaller chairs.
Walks on tiptoe.
Catches large ball with arms and hands straight out.
Small Motor Skills
Turns doorknobs with greater strength.
Likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger motion