Toddler Physical and Intellectual Milestones

  • 1218 BCE

    12-18 Months

    Physical: -takes a step or two without support
    -Picks up small objects with thumb and index finger.
    -throws ball while sitting
    Intellectual: -Points and vocalizes wants
    -Points to named objects and animals in books
    -uses 1-word sentences
  • 18-24 Months

    Physical: -Pushes and pulls objects while walking
    -Climbs on Furniture
    -Throws ball while standing
    Intellectual: -pictures objects mentally
    -Uses 2-3 word sentences
    -Enjoys "singing" a few songs
  • 24-36 Months

    Physical: -stands on tiptoes
    -Drinks from a straw
    -is ready to start toilet-training

    -Holds pencil or crayon with the thumb and fingers
    Intellectual: -involves others in play activities
    -says up to 500 words
    -asks for information ("Why?" "What's dat?")
    -Laughs at silly labels ("Cow goes quack, quack').