Toddler Development

  • Happy Birthday May!

    Happy Birthday May!
  • 13-15 months: Physical Development

    13-15 months: Physical Development
    -May creep like a bear with hands and feet in contact with the floor
    -Climbs on chairs,sofas, and tables
    -Has improved grasping skills
    -Crawls over small barriers
  • 13-15 months:Cognitive Development

    13-15 months:Cognitive Development
    -Notice actions of children and adults. Loves to mimic all actions
    -Looks in correct place for toys that roll out of sight
    -Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures
    -Experiments with actions never tried before
    -Discovers ability to make things happen by own actions
  • 16-18 months:Physical Development

    16-18 months:Physical Development
    -Improves throwing motion,first using whole body, then using just arm movements.
    -May show hand preference in all activities
    -Adds hand gestures to spoken language
    -Likes to grab anything and everything
  • 16-18 months: Cognitive Development

    16-18 months: Cognitive Development
    -Scibbles more freely but also can imitate strokes in drawing.
    -Is very inquisitive about everything
    -Remembers where objects belong
    -Begins to figure things out through thought process
  • 19-21 months: Physical Development

    19-21 months: Physical Development
    -Holds container in one hand, puts small object into it with other hand, and then dumps the objects out
    -Walks sideways and backwards
    -Uses one hand more than the other
    -Runs without falling often
  • 19-21:Cognitive Development

    19-21:Cognitive Development
    -Associates tool with function it performs, such as hammer for banging
    -Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    -Interested in tiny things such as bugs
    -Looks at books for a longer period of time, studying pictures
  • 22-24 months:Cognitive Development

    22-24 months:Cognitive Development
    -Becomes interested in the precise placement of objects; enjoys form boards and simple puzzles
    -Recognizes when picture in book is upside down
    -May distinguish between "one" and "many"
    -Distinguishes between vertical and horizontal lines
  • 22-24 months:Physical Development

    22-24 months:Physical Development
    -Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements
    -Alternates between standing and sitting positions easily
    -Likes to play with modeling clay
    -Throws ball overhead instead of tossing
  • 24-30 months:Physical Development

    24-30 months:Physical Development
    -Improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear
    -Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops
    -Likes to take jar lids off and scree them back on
    -Can remove wrapping from gum and candy
  • 22-24 months: Cognitive Development

    22-24 months: Cognitive Development
    -Remembers sequence of stories and maybe able to tell them
    -Is better to plan a play activity and carry it out
    -Is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted
    -Recognizes familiar signs in the environment
  • 30-36 months:Cognitive Development

    30-36 months:Cognitive Development
    <a href='' ></a>
    -Uses symbolic representation in make-believe play
    -Begins to classify objects into general categories
    -Tries at various roles in make-believe play
    -Can remember and follow three-step commands
  • 30-36 months: Physical Development

    30-36 months: Physical Development
    -Likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger motions
    -Catches large ball with arms and hands straight out
    -Goes up stairs by alternating feet, but goes down one foot at a time
    -Turns doorknobs with greater strength