birth of baby
baby is born -
13 to 15 months/physical
toddlers begins to stand alone without help, crawls over small areas, climbs on chairs sofas and tables, -
13 to 15 months/ intellectual
begins to form concepts ,notices actions of others,likes to look at pictures, has very short memory, explores different features, -
16-18 months / intellectual
says "no" more than any other word, vocabulary increases, has short attention span, begins to figure things out,enjoys working with shapes -
Period: to
16-18 months/ physical
maybe able to walk sideways, stands on either foot with support, pushes and pulls large toys, likes to grab everything, -
19-21 months/ intellectual
progress to imaginative play, can obtain familiar objects without seeing them, can obtain familiar objects from different room when asked, -
Period: to
19-21 months/ physical
walks sideways and backwards, loves to run jump and climb,can kick large ball, holds two objects in hand easily, -
22-24 months/ physical
shows increased coordination and finger movements,can throw ball into basket, holds crayon with thumb and fingers, walks with more coordination -
22-24 months/ intellectual
increased vocabulary, ask for food when hungry,maybe able to draw, follow simple directions, -
24-30 months/ intellectual
interested in childrens shows, enojys learning new names,enjoys playing house, able to interpret pictures and paintings -
30-36 months/physical
likes to be in constant motion, enjoys games, makes mud pies, turns doornobs, walks on tip toe -
24-30 months/physical
improves motor skills, enjoys running, can carefully turn pages, likes to take lid off jars, -
30-36 months/ intellectual
more skilled at putting puzzles together, asks names of objects, understands relative size,