Baby is born !! :)
13-15 months (Cognitive)
-Explores different features as if studying them. -
13-15 (Physical)
May stand alone without support for a short time. -
16-18 Months (Physical)
-May be able to walk sideways.
-Stands on either foot with support.
-Walks fast and runs stiffly.
-Squats down smoothly from standing position. -
16-18 Months (Cognitive)
-Remembers where objects belong.
-Begins to figure things out through the thought process.
-Short attention span. -
19-21 Months (physical)
-Walks sideways and backwards.
-Runs without falling often.
-Responds rhymitcally to music with whole body.
-Loves to run, jump, and climb -
19-21 Months (Cognitive)
-Progresses from simple imitations to imaginative play.
-Can remember familiar objects without seeing them.
-Is interested in tiny things such as bugs. -
22-24 Months (Physical)
-Walks with more coordination and assurance.
-Bounces, sways, and does simple dancing movements.
-Lacks ability to start efficiently or stop quickly while running. -
22-24 Months (Cognitive)_
-Become interested in the outcome of activities, rather than just the activities themself.
-Identifies familiar objects on t.v.
-Has a vocabulary or 50 or more words. -
24-30 Months (Physical)
-Baby fat begins to disappear.
-Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops.
-Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease. -
24-30 Months (Cognitive)
-Refers to self by name, then learns to use pronouns.
-Enjoys learning names for new objects.
-Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 words or more. -
30-36 Months (Physical)
-Enjoys games involving running.
-Goes up stairs by alternationg feet, but goes down one foot at a time.
-Jumps from any elevated objects, sometimes miscalculating the height. -
30-36 Months (Cognitive)
-Can remember and follow three-step commands.
-They recognize themselves in photographs.
-Reveals intellectual couriousity in reading books and watching tv.