By msimone
  • When I was born

    When I was born
    This is the day that my parents received an awesome gift into this world. I was born at 5:13 AM at Resurrection hospital. They got the most beautiful baby girl
  • First Cubs Game

    First Cubs Game
    I have always been exposed to sports in my house from such a young age. This the first cubs game I went to when I was 3 years old. It helped develop my love for the Chicago Cubs.
  • Spunky personality

    Spunky personality
    I am always singing and dancing around my house. I have so many videos of when I was younger singing so many different songs and creating different daces to them.
  • First day of preschool

    First day of preschool
    I remember that I was not shy going into preschool at all. I remember just walking right into the room and said bye mom. It was a great time!
  • First year of softball

    First year of softball
    My mom put me in softball because my brother played baseball. She wanted to see if I liked it. I did indeed love it and have been playing it ever since. I am going into my 13th year playing at the same park. This day helped me grow my love for the sport.
  • First Disney Trip

    First Disney Trip
    My family and I went to Walt Disney World for my first time. This trip enhanced my love for anything related to Disney!
  • First Talent Show

    First Talent Show
    This was the first time I ever got on stage and sang by myself. This was a big deal because I was so shy when I was little. I would never leave my mom's side. This talent show helped me break out of my shell.
  • Helping out talent show(Generous)

    Helping out talent show(Generous)
    At my elementary school, we had a talent show every year. I would always be generous and help out with the practices wit whatever they needed.
  • Meeting Lexi

    Meeting Lexi
    I am so happy she is in my life. She is like the little sister I never had. I am a big sister influence to her and so happy I get to be in her life.
  • Kid-magnet

    I have always loved working with younger kids. At the softball park I play at they have umpires. I am am ump for the 4-8 year old's. All the girls love when I am there ump! I am a role model for them.
  • Dad's passing(resilient)

    Dad's passing(resilient)
    This event made me more resilient in my life. I went through so many different emotions during this time. It made me stronger as a person because I got through it.
  • 8th grade graduation

    8th grade graduation
    This was a bittersweet day for me. Since COVID hit, I never got a proper send off from my elementary school. I was sad because I had been there for 12 years of my life. This was also a happy day because I could close one chapter of my life and start a new one.
  • Meeting one of my best friends(Emma)

    Meeting one of my best friends(Emma)
    I can't believe that her and I never met sooner. We were placed on the same softball team and the rest is history. Now that she is in my life, I can't imagine a life without her in it!
  • Triple play(Athletic)

    Triple play(Athletic)
    I had an unassisted triple play in my softball game. I caught a pop up, then tagged the base, and then tagged the girl next to the base cause she was standing right there. I have always been the type of person to know about sports.
  • Organized

    When it came to e-learning I made sure to create a space where I had all the supplies I needed. I also had a white board so I could write all the assignments I needed to get done.
  • Good Sense of Humor

    Good Sense of Humor
    One time my mom and I got caught in a downpour of rain. We took the bus to a stop close to our house and when we got off the bus a big gush of water drenched my mom. I had a good sense of humor because I cracked some jokes when it happened.
  • First Day of In Person High School

    First Day of In Person High School
    I was very nervous for this day. I was at a new school with so many people in it. I was scared I wasn't going to make any friends and would not like it.
  • Understanding

    My best friend(Emma) and I always love to have car vents with each other. We get anything off of our chests that we need to say. I am understanding of everything she tells me and get what she is talking about.
  • Very mature

    Very mature
    I volunteered with my mom at one of her parents' nights out events. My mom is a paraprofessional at a special education school. The kids' parents enjoy a night where they don't have to worry about their kids. I went with my mom and helped her watch all of them. I am very mature when it came to working with them
  • Honest

    Last year in my history class, everyone would use their phones on the tests so they would get a good grade. I was honest and never did that because I wanted to study hard and earn that grade based on my knowledge