Timeline project

  • 1400

    Imperialism in Africa

    Europeans sail to the south around Africa in 1400
  • 1500


    in 1500 people started to sell guns and European people made goods that they wanted.
  • 1500

    The Europeans began to build

    The Europeans began to build trading posts in Africa in the 1500s.
  • Taking country

    They took countries in 1800s only for the things they could use like the resources.
  • Grabbing Africa

    They stole most of the land of Africa in 1900.
  • South Africa was granted independence

    In 1910 South Africa was granted independence from Great Britain.
  • fight for freedom

    In 1920 Kenya began a political organization to fight for freedom.
  • Invading

    Italy invaded a country in 1930
  • new idea

    Ghana was introduced to a new idea of pan-Arianism in 1940
  • made apartheid law

    In 1948, white South Africans known as Afrikaners made apartheid law.
  • Sudan gained its independence

    Sudan gained its independence from Great Britain in 1956.
  • Becoming independence

    In 1957 Ghana was becoming independence.
  • Congo became independent

    In 1960 Congo became independent.
  • Nigeria became independent

    In 1960 Nigeria was becoming independent with a fierce struggle.
  • Independence came to Rwanda

    1962 after which violence broke out and the Hutu took control before independence came to Rwanda.
  • Kenya becomes independent

    in 1963 Kenya became independent.
  • Mandela

    In 1964 Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions.
  • Seized power

    In 1965 Joseph Mobutu seized power.
  • Another Civil War

    In 1972 South rebelled against Northern to eat to two Civil Wars.
  • declare themselves

    In 1976 the Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent.
  • People dead

    in 1983 to 2005 millions of people died from the wars.
  • elected president

    de Klerk was elected president of South Africa in 1989
  • end of apartheid

    In 1990, he announced the end of apartheid.
  • Awarded the Nobel peace prize

    In 19923 de Klerk and Mandela were awarded the Nobel peace prize.
  • Experience violence

    In 1994 between 800,000 to 1 million people died from the war.
  • Sudan independence

    In 2005 Sudan recognized South Sudans independence.
  • Resigned and a democratic government was elected

    In 2011 president Ben Ali resigned and a democratic government was elected.
  • forced to resign

    In 2011 Hosni Mubarak was forced to resign.
  • Replaced by Islamic fundamentalist

    In 2012 Mohammed Morsi was replaced by Islamic fundamentalist.
  • Morsi's term

    Morsi's term was short because in 2013 his government was over thrown.