Babyboy thumb

timeline project

  • timeline project

    timeline project
    June 2 1996- i am born
  • physical development

    Started walking after a series of failed attempts, per my parents
  • infancy

    my mother always told me about how i was a kid how i was a quiet infant when i was young, while my siblings were loud, i was a calm baby
  • cognitive development

    cognitive development
    as a kid, i had a similar story with my pet toy dumbo, the elephant. i would walk everywhere with the plus sized toy, my siblings always made fun of me about how i paid more attention to the toy before my family
  • Became a Big brother

    Became a Big brother
  • Cognitive

    as a young child, i was very interested in wrestling and also in playing with my action figures what my parents got me.
  • Learning language

    my parents speaks different languages,one is a Nigerian language named "igbo" so at the house, we would speak in English and then i would work on my other language.
  • school

    Started school, my early childhood teachers would've described me as a quiet and calm kid. my parent never understood that because when i got home i turned into a wild animal
  • young intelligence

    i remember as a early child. i discovered my intelligence dwells in vocabulary during school. i would get every vocabulary quiz right every week.
  • Mid Childhood

    i remember in my later childhood years i got plenty of exercise everyday because my dad loves basketball and passed it down to me. we had a nice goal outside that i played with at least 4 hours everyday
  • Cognitive

    turned 10. cognitive abilities improved significantly from early childhood. i was able to memorize and process information a lot better, especially in the classroom.
  • Moved to nigeria

    Moved to nigeria
    My family moved to Nigeria, so i could see my homeland. while i was there, i attended school there and ended up skipping the sixth grade, becoming younger than all my american classmates when i returned
  • Puberty

    i remember my phase through puberty, i think i didn't have it to early or too late, rather right on time, it was thru my first year of middle school that i began, and it wasn't difficult to go thru, unlike a woman's puberty.
  • Physical

    at this point, my body was still developing, but i made the middle school basketball team, so with practicing and conditioning, i was still exercising a lot, maybe more then i should've.
  • cognitive

    my cognitive development from adolescence has far improved. i felt like i was able to develop more reasoning skills, plus use logic that i wouldn't have in the early and late childhood.
  • Graduation

    Graduated at 16 as a teenager. after school took a couple years to work and spend more time with the family.
  • Cognitve

    turned 20. in terms of cognitive development, i feel like my brain is as big as its been, weighted down with many emotions and thoughts and most important, stress. attended the university of Alabama in Huntsville.
  • Transfered to UAB

  • Physical

    my Physical Development, in my opinion as peaked, i exercise a lot, due to the rec center and i feel great physically.