timeline of the average physical development milestones from birth until approximately 10 years old

  • Period: to

    2 months

    begins to push up when lying on tummy, makes smoother movements with arms and legs.
  • Period: to

    6 months

    Rolls over both from stomach to back and from back to stomach. Begins to sit with support.
  • Period: to

    1 year

    Moves into sitting position without support.
    Pulls up to stand and walks alone while holding onto furniture.
  • Period: to

    18 months

    Walks alone, Runs, Pulls toys while walking, Helps undress self, Drinks from a cup.
  • Period: to

    2-4 years

    run forward, jump in one place, kick a ball and walk on his tiptoes. Be able to do arts and crafts
  • Period: to

    5-6 years

    Able to cut with scissors and begin to write letters. Able to dress herself, ride a tricycle, use a knife and fork, jump rope and begin finding interest in activities
  • Period: to

    7-10 years

    Baby teeth will begin falling out. Able to excel in sports and maybe grow hair in different regions