As my mother looked for a better future for me here in the United States she couldn't afford living with me as a kid so I ended up Moving to The Wonderful Country of Guatemala with my wonderful wonderful wonderful Grandparents. They Raised me and I love them so so much. I wouldn't be for them I wouldn't who I am If it wasn't for them. I lived with them for most of my childhood. I went to preschool in Guatemala until it was time to come back to the united states to go live with my mother again. -
Learning English/ Birth of my sister
After coming back to the united states I started a whole new journey in a whole different country with a whole life among my family the birth my Beautiful, Most annoying sister I have although her and I argue... I still love her.I also had to deal with a whole different language. As a kid, I had to struggle to learn English. It was a new experience. Some nights I would cry because I didn't understand what these children were saying because I didn't know the language.I tried my best and I learned -
As my sister and I grew up. The house we were living in was just too small for the whole family. So we went on a journey looking for a new house. When we did find a new house it was about Christmas time so when we moved in it was a whole new chapter of my life because a lot has happened because I moved in. I still live in this house to this current day. If it wasn't for us moving I definitely wouldn't be as close to some of the people I am today. -
Birth of my sister
On July 19, God Gave my Family a new member. She was the cutest little girl ever. Until she started to grow up. Now she is a big cry baby. At times she could be super annoying, She is a big baby that likes to cry a lot. I still Love her though. She changed everything for everyone. She was a Blessing to all of us just like my other sister. Now although all we do is a fight we are there for each other no matter what the situation is because we are family. Family over everything. I love her so much -
Meeting My best friend
During the same time, my sister was born I met Jackson. He is my Best friend, We would do everything together. We would go play outside until it got pitch black and we could not see anything at all. We would always play video games with him until it was time to go.
He would always help me out when I was stuck with certain things. He is like the brains of the operation. He would always correct me when he had the chance too. If it wasn't for him, I feel like I would be a whole different person. -
Cracking my head open
It was about spring time in the third grade. Jackson and I thought it was a good idea to play tug of war on the bus. As jackson and I tugged away fighting to see who would win the tug of war he decided to let go as a bump came along. When he let go i went Flying Backwords and I hit my head on a small metal bar that holds the bus seats up by the window. AsI get up I feel this warm feeling on the top of my head. As i feel it and look at my hand it was covered in blood. Everyone was looking at me. -
Visiting Old Friends
During summer vacation I went to Guatemala to go visit my family and some of my old friends. I thought it was gonna be 2 months full of fun until. 3 weeks into my vacation I end up getting really sick. So my grandparents take me to the doctors and I ended up getting very ill. I ended up getting hepatitis. I ended up getting hospitalized for almost 3 weeks. Once I slowly started to go get better and recover it was time for me to go home. It was an interesting trip -
My first day of high school
Now to a new chapter of my life, High School...On my first day, I end up missing the bus. So my dad had to take me to the school. When I got there I was completely lost. Everyone looked like Giants. I was a small lost freshman roaming the hallways. Lost
It was about lunchtime and I was starving. As I go to wait in the line everyone starts to cut me until I was at the end of the line. -
Death of Oscar
Oscar was a loving caring kid. He was more than a teammate, More than a friend. He was a brother. He would make me laugh every time I was upset. He would do anything for his friends and family. The day I found out he passed I was upset. It broke my heart because he was such a caring kid. I loved him so much and I decided to make a go fund me to help him and his family because I knew that it would help out his family and it would help for his funeral. He was an amazing person. Rest Easy Oscar. -
Losing my hair
It was a cold rainy Day when I was home playing a video game with my friend Luke. I was so confident that I was going to win. I was so confident that I was going to win I decided to shave my head if I lost. The game was 10 seconds about to finish and I was winning by 2 points. Happy I was going to win He ends up shooting a 3 pointer and he made it. I was upset and the next day I cut it all off. As soon as I heard the buzzing of the clippers I knew it was time to say goodbye to my hair.