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my birthday
I was born august, 28, of 2003. my mom had a c- section and since she had gotten ms while pregnant with me they had to do special things to her so she didn't get to see me until 3 hours later. -
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my sisters started school
My annoying sisters finally started school which left me with my mom and she had been paralized for the first two yrs of my life. So it was akward when we had to start hanging out with each other -
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I started preschool
my mom had me going to preschool in the mornings then a few months later she changed it to afternoon preschool. (at the same school though) -
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My face got burned
My face got burned by a heater so if you see these little circles on my cheek thats what the heater left. Also this happened in 1st grade. My family had financial problems so there was a heater that had circle patterns on it. Well i laid under it to keep warm and someone walked by and knocked it over. It was on my face for about 10 seconds. I didn't want to go to school either but i did. After someone saw it i had to have a case-worker for it. -
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We have to move
My mom decided we needed to move because of obviously money problems. We were still able to own the house but we had to move so we moved by my grandparents. I did't mind living next to them because it was on a dead end and i love my grandparents.