Timeline of my life

  • I was born in Nashville, Tennessee

    already hardwired with reflexes such as the Grasping Reflex and Morrow Reflex
  • Period: to

    Critical stages

    From birth to 8 months old, I'd developed an attachment through contact comfort to my mother. Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety would also be present at this point. Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust is something that could fit in this.
  • Period: to

    sensorimotor stage

    reaction to the 'here and now', no awareness of object permanence
  • Period: to

    Motor development

    From around 4 to 16 months, I'd proceed to develop physically like other babies at this point, such as my crawling and walking. Some stages might come along at different paces, all in an orderly fashion. Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt is a stage that could be fit in this.
  • Period: to

    preoperational stage

    egocentric, begin to apply language and connect words and their meanings to objects/symbols. during this time, Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt is a stage that would happen here
  • My grandma passed away

  • My parents divorced

    from here on, my dad had us live with him and raised us up, his style of parenting was more of an authoritative style
  • I first learned to ride a bike

  • I began to go to Granbery Elementary School

  • Period: to

    concrete operational stage

    build up logic and real-world applications, begin to think outside my perspective and' put myself in other people's shoes'. here, Stage 4: Identity vs. Role Confusion would happen at this age
  • I finished elementary school and began to attend Oliver Middle School

  • Period: to


    Roughly, I was going through puberty during this time. Lots of growth spurts and acne were going on during this. My voice became deeper and other changes happened as well. This was also a time where I was finding an identity for myself. Even now, I'm still looking, so my identity formation would probably be Identity Moratorium.
  • Period: to

    formal operational stage

    active member of society, I understand the abstract such as justice and morality
  • I finished middle school and began to attend John Overton High School

  • I got my learners permit

  • I got my first car

  • Period: to

    Middle Age

    During this time, my body will begin to deteriorate and life won't be like before. Cataracts, hips, and shoulders are all symptoms of the body not being able to rebuild itself like it could earlier, and hearing will suffer some at this stage.
  • Period: to

    Old Age

    Illness and disease will be very likely at this stage of my life. A weakened immune system will mean things, like the flu, can easily me. Alzheimer's and cancer are also possibilities due to my later health, though I don't put harmful objects in my body to cause them. I also stay on top of habits like sleep and exercise so I don't destroy my body. Heart disease is a trait passed down through my family, so maybe that will be how I eventually pass away.
  • I die (probably), at least it's at 73

    I would go through the 5 stages of dying, of course: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.