The Kabah contained the venerated black stone "sent from heaven". -
Mecca Saudi Arabia -
Nov 14, 610
First Revelation
Receives a message in which he is moved to recite words of "beauty" which he attributed to God -
Nov 14, 622
Creates 1st Muslim Community in Yathrib
He was invited to Yathrib to be a mediator in their civil war. Yathrib was renamed Medina which means city of the prophet. -
Nov 14, 625
Battle for control with Meccans
Nov 14, 630
Conquest over Mecca
Destroys all images in the Kabah and initiates his religious beliefs -
Nov 14, 632
Medina -
Nov 14, 633
Unfulfilled Plans
Muhammad was planning to spread his religion into Syria -
Orphaned lived with Uncle, Abu Talib
Did God not find you an orphan and give you shelter and care? Qur'an 93:6 -
Teen Years
Worked with his uncle as a merchant traveling in a caravan -
Married his distant cousin and current employer Khadija Bint Khawalayd. He was 25 and she was 40 years old.