Timeline of History

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Agricultural Age

    People were tied to the land and depended on successful crops.
    Extended families lived in close proximity.
    The academic calendar revolved around the time of harvest.
  • Industrial Age

    Agricultural systems were replaced by factories.
    Families were no longer living closely. Many people left the farms for factory jobs in the city.
    The birth of the nuclear family.
    Harvest time continued to dictate the academic calendar.
  • First Digital Computer

    The first digital computer, ABC, was created by John Vincent Atanasoff
  • First Computer Company

    Electronic Consoles Company was the first computer company to be created and manufacture mainframe computers.
    The company became EMCC or Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation.
  • Information Age

    Focus on information and knowledge
    More single parent homes, childless homes, and blended families.
    Advances in technology enabled more collaboration in the work place, flex hours, and telecommuting.
    Personal computers and the Internet opened a line of communication across borders.
    The academic calendar is becoming more flexible with year round and virtual schools.
  • The First Commercial Computer

    The Z4 became the first commercial computer and was created by Konrad Zuse,