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Timeline of Epic Life of Awesome

  • Birthing of Awesome

    Birthing of Awesome
    On the Awesome Day of April 9th, 2006 I was shot out of a female reproductive organ and birthed. I immediately was the smartest person alive and automatically obtained 12 different college degrees within 30 seconds, and was also the coolest person on the planet. Already know how it is.
  • Birthing of Jake

    Birthing of Jake
    On July 15th 2008 my moron brother was born. He gets on my nerves a lot. He's kinda funny though. I like him sometimes.
  • "Pirateland"

    From when I was like 3 or 4 we've gone to the same family campground at the beach every year for summer vacation. While I used to love and enjoy the trip now it bores me and I find there to be little to do while I'm there. It feels largely stale and unoriginal, but when I was little it was always so much fun being with family friends and all the other stuff that comes with being at the beach.
  • Pre-School

    When I was like 4 so like 2010 I went through Pre-School and had 2 good friends named Lucas and Landon M. We all called me Landon and him Landon M to avoid confusion and it just worked. They were day 1 homies.
  • Jermaine

    We had this neighbor named Jermaine and that guy was awesome. He had a rough home-life and I haven't seen the dude in years but he was older than my older brother. He would always look out for us little kids and was a straight up good dude.
  • Kindergarten

    I started school at the wonderful facility of Beverly Hills Elementary. That school was awful but I liked all my teachers I had. My kindergarten teacher was like 23 and a first year teacher. She now works at CMC Main.
  • 1st Grade

    1st Grade
    I would stay at Beverly Hills for another 2 years before we decided to move to where we live now. I can't remember my 1st grade teachers name was but I had the same assistant teacher as I did in kindergarten. I only remember liking her as much as my kindergarten teacher. So that was pretty nice I guess.
  • Second Grade

    Second Grade
    This was my last year at the school and for some reason one of the most memorable things from the year was recognizing my brothers jacket on the playground and bringing it back to him. He confirmed it was his and his teacher gave me a reward for being so kind. I've been extremely awesome since day 1 to be honest. My teacher's name was Mrs. Wally. She was definitely the best second grade teacher there was. Thomas hated his teacher Mrs. Trout. Me and Thomas been day 1 homies.
  • A.I.G.

    Me, Brodie, Luke and some others I forgot have been moving since AIG in 3rd grade. I got into AIG when I passed the test in first grade (Yeah I'm awesome), and that was easily one of the best parts of elementary school. Got me out of so much boring English.
  • Moving

    After my second grade year ended and my older brother finished fifth grade we moved to where we live now. I spent the whole day out of the house so my parents could have me and my little brother out of the way so they could move our stuff into the house. I immediately loved my room and someone surprised me by hanging up a little Chapel Hill sign on my wall.
  • 3rd Grade

    3rd Grade
    My first year of school in the new house and at a different school was third grade. I made friends pretty fast cause I'm pretty awesome, but there was 1 kid who did not like me noticeably. But I became good friends with Hayden Parlier, and Rocky they were the dawgs. This was the first teacher I didn't really like all that much.
  • Thomas moving to my neighborhood

    Thomas moving to my neighborhood
    Since Thomas has been a day 1 homie it was pretty awesome when he moved to the neighborhood. That dude a goat on me.
  • 5th Grade

    The last year of elementary school was easily one of the best. I loved my teacher, she was awesome. My classmates were awesome and I was in the same class as Abhi and Thomas. Goated year.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I started middle school at Harold Winkler Middle. I hated that school with a passion I hated almost all my teachers in 6th grade except Mrs. Evans she was lit.
  • Pawpaw died

    Pawpaw died
    In October of 2017 my absolute favorite grandparent and role model was taken by Leukemia. I blame myself immensely for not calling him enough and miss him every day of my life. The song "I drive your truck" is evil and I hate when it comes on the radio.
  • Track and Field 8th Grade

    Track and Field 8th Grade
    Little did I know joining the track team to run distance would be one of the best decisions I had ever made in my entire life. I fell in love with it and loved how difficult the practices felt at the time, I loved the workouts, I loved the people, I now compete alongside all of those people years later and still love to do it.
  • "2 week quarantine" from Covid.

    "2 week quarantine" from Covid.
    Those 2 weeks lasted the rest of 8th grade, and had effects on the year to come afterwards, and even the year after that one. It ruined my very short 8th grade track season and I had largely forgotten about running and school at that point. Everything felt like a distant memory.
  • Meet woman and later date woman

    Meet woman and later date woman
    I met Faith in July 2020 and at first she hardly spoke to me until I got her to open up. I was dating some other loser at the time then I realized she was a loser and started talking to faith in November, dating in December and now I am with Faith still pushing 2 years. She is my favorite woman.
  • Contacting Coach About Joining XC

    Contacting Coach About Joining XC
    Back when I was indecisive and hadn't really considered running XC I reached out to the coach for information and to see if it was too late to join the team. Luckily with covid the season hadn't even started and I still had time. I was one of 8 boys on the team at the time and there were even less girls. It was very small the first year.
  • Freshman XC

    Freshman XC
    THE BEST DECISION IN MY LIFE. I didn't even know if I wanted to do XC until 2 weeks before the season started and thank the lord Jesus I did. My life would absolutely suck if I hadn't and everything would be dull and boring. I'd be lonely, and everything would just suck. The season was short though compared to a normal season and my brother got Covid mid-way through the season forcing me out for 2 weeks until I would do track in the spring.
  • Sophomore XC

    Sophomore XC
    By far my favorite season (I went injury free and cut almost 2 minutes in time) It was just so much fun. I also got woman to join the team so that made it better as well. Me and the rest of the guys were already good friends at this point so it was just such a good time for everyone. (maybe not Brodie he had some hammie injury).
  • Junior XC

    Junior XC
    The summer had the season set up to be the best one yet, We had a great freshman prodigy and everyone was in great spirits through the first few races of the season. Our Boone trip was also great and I landed my personal best a week later crushing my previous 5k PR by over a minute to 16:56. That was my last race.
  • Evil Bones

    Evil Bones
    After my record fast race of speed demoning. I felt a dull pain on the side of my leg. As small pains are common in running, I ignored it and kept running. It would only hurt when walking and it became a limp. Went to bone doctor and landed myself in a boot with a stress fracture, ruining my season and my running career as I had never taken that much time off running for anything in years. My coach was supportive as always and tried to help push me through it, but I've never felt lower.