Timeline of Computer Innovations in the 1940s

  • The Z3 Computer is Created

    Konrad Zuse alone created the Z3, a computer capable of floating point binary arithmetic with 2,300 relays and a 22 bit character capacity. An invention of this scale by 1 man painted an early picture of the future of computers in the average citizen's life.
  • The First Colossus Becoming Operational

    The first of 10 computers designed by Tommy Flowers, this computer reduced the time to decode Nazi messages from weeks to hours and may have contributed to the results of the war.
  • The Manchester Mark I Williams-Kilburn Tube

    Invented by Freddie Williams and Tom Kilburn, this was the first high-speed fully electronic memory, using cathode ray tubes as in CRT TVs. This storage revolution undoubtedly affected the future of computers as we know them.
  • First Computer Program to Run on a Computer

    Fredric Williams, Tom Kilburn, and Geoff Toothill run the first program ever on a digital electronic stored-program computer, and on the first computer to use high-speed RAM no less. Obviously, electronic computer programs are essential to any modern technology, so this was a huge achievement.
  • Modems

    Developed by a group led by Jack Harrington, the modem allowed computers to communicate via regular phone lines, and paved the way for the modern day internet.