Timeline of Africa

  • 1400

    Slavery Begin

    Africans and Europeans begin trading goods for people.
  • 1500

    Slave are Traded for Goods

    Europeans sell guns and goods for Human slages
  • 1500

    Trade Posts are Built

    Europeans build trade posts on the West Coast of Africa.
  • Colonization Begin

    Europeans begin taking over African countries for resources.
  • Africa is Almost Completely Colonized

    Europeans Colonize nearly every country for themselves.
  • South Africa is independant.

    Great Britain leaves South Africa, now an independent country.
  • Rebels fight the British in Kenya

    The Kikuyu people rigorously fight for independence from Britain in Kenya.
  • Ethiopia Invaded

    Italy invades Ethiopia, one of the last independent African countries.
  • African Revolutions Begin

    People like Kwame Nkrumah rebel against colonial rulers.
  • Apartheid Law in South Africa

    Afrikaners set up Apartheid Law in South Africa against black people.
  • Sudan's Independence

    Sudan becomes independent from Britain.
  • Sudan Civil War

    Sudanese people riot and fight each other over their government.
  • Ghana gains Independence

    People in Ghana rebel and gain independent rule over their country.
  • Nigerian Independence

    After a struggle with Britain, Nigeria is independence.
  • Kongo is Independant

    The people in Belgian Kongo revolt against Belgium.
  • Rwanda's Independence

    The people of Rwanda gain independence from colonial rule. Fighting begins.
  • Kenya's Independence

    People in Kenya gain independence from Great Britain.
  • Mandela Imprisoned

    Nelson Mandela, a civil rights activist, is arrested for life in South Africa.
  • Rwanda violence ends.

    People in Rwanda stop fighting, as the Hutu began committing genocide against the Tutsi people.
  • Power Shift in Congo

    Joseph Mobutu declares himself ruler of the Belgian Congo.
  • Belgian Congo Renamed

    Mobutu renames the Belgian Congo Zaire.
  • Sudanese Civil War Ends

    The people of Sudan halt the fighting amongst them.
  • Nigerian Revolt

    The Igbo people attempt to gain power in Nigeria.
  • Second Sudan Civil War

    The people fo Sudan begin fighting each other again.
  • F.W. De Klerk Takes Power

    F.W. De Klerk becomes president of South Africa, ending apartheid rule.
  • Mandela Released

    Nelson Mandela is let out of prison
  • South Africa Election

    For the first time, people in South Africa are aloud to vote in free elections.
  • Second Sudanese Civil War Ends

    The latter of Sudan's Civil wars ends.
  • Tunisians Fight for Independence

    People in Tunisia fight their rulers for independence.
  • South Sudan's Independence

    Sudan recognizes South Sudan's independence because of the civil War.