Timeline for Personal Narrative

  • My Parents

    My Parents
    My parents were both born and raised in Meixco. They came to the US for a better future for their families. When they first arrived here they only spoke Spanish and the very bare minimum of English.
  • Speaking Spanish

    Speaking Spanish
    Before entering school, I spent much time with my mother who taught me how to speak fluent spanish. This is a picture of us on my 2nd birthday
  • Siblings

    I have both an older brother and an older sister. Since my siblings started school before me, they learned how to speak English earlier than me. Hearing them speak English at home familiarized me more with the English language. This is a picture of my brother and I on his birthday.
  • Kindergarten

    Kindergarten was difficult for me since I did not speak English. I was put into a speech therapy class where I slowly started learning English. This is a picture of me in my kindergarten class.
  • Tongue Tied

    Tongue Tied
    In my speech therapy class, my teacher noticed that I had a conditioned that restricted my tongue from moving properly. I had to get surgery on my tongue, which at the end helped me with pronouncing English words more correctly. This is a picture of me after my surgery.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    In middle school I pushed myself to learn more English by joining clubs and interacting with more people. My last year of middle school I was rewarded with highest honors in my class. This is a picture of my friends and I in middle school during a club event.
  • High School

    High School
    In high I learned many new techniques in my English class that helped me improve my reading and writing skills. At the end of high school I felt so much more confident as an English speaker! This is a picture of my friend and I on our graduation day.
  • Being Billingual

    Being Billingual
    My journey of learning a new language has definitely shaped me into the person I am today. Being bilingual is a gift, and it makes me so proud to say that I can officially speak both Spanish and English fluently! This is a picture of my cousins and I on my graduation celebration :)