
  • fine motor skills for 24 months

    Make circular scribbles and imitate vertical lines
    Hold crayons between thumb and fingers
    Manipulate shapes and large puzzle pieces
    Build with blocks
    Scoop independently
    Put rings on pegs
    Remove pegs from a pegboard
  • gross motor skills for 12 months

    Walking with one hand held
    Standing independently for a few seconds
    Crawling up stairs
    Standing up from the floor without support
    Walking independently
  • gross motor skills for 24 months

    Walking alone
    Walking backwards
    Leaning over to pick up something without falling
    Pulling and pushing toys
    Sitting down in a small chair
    Walking up and down stairs, holding your hand
    Jumping in the air with both feet
    Running fairly well
    Kicking a ball
    Climbing up and down furniture unassisted
    Carrying a large toy or several smaller toys while walking
  • fine motor skills for 12 months

    Feeding themselves finger foods
    Turning pages in a book
    Putting small objects in a cup or container
    Developing a pincer grasp (using index finger and thumb to grasp objects)
    Transferring objects between hands
    Grasping crayons with a fisted grasp
    Building a two-block tower
    Dropping small objects into a bottle
    Exploring holes of pegboard
    Scribbling spontaneously
    Placing larger coin-shaped objects into slot openings