Timeline (By Emiliano Gonzalez)

By ME2
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    The event that
    1). Inaugurated Thomas Jefferson
    2). Increased power for Democratic-Republicans
    3). Had Congress set up 12th Amendment
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    A 15 million dollar purchase that doubled the size of the U.S.and resulted in the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    The expedition sent out by Thomas Jefferson, which had Lewis and his crew, the Corp of Discovery, explore the new land after the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    The US was caught in the middle of a war between Britain and France and they kept impressing US trade ships, because of this they made the Embargo Act banning all trade with any foreign countries.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The United States Declared War on Britain, because of the excessive impressments, and to gain respect on the world stage.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The proposed treaty meant to end the War of 1812.
  • Cumberland Road

    Cumberland Road
    The first road built by federal government which ran from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, West Virginia. It was made to better the nation's transportation routes and show the governments power.
  • Period: to

    Era of Good Feelings

    From 1815-1825 the U.S. experienced the Era of Good Feelings, an era of which Americans felt pride, nationalism, and progress toward our nation.
  • The Start of Nationalism

    The Start of Nationalism
    Because of the victory of the War of 1812, the U.S. had increased and bettered the economy and nationalism which boosted power of American on the world stage.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Another form a transportation to transport goods and resources from the West to the East and vice-versa. Though it cost millions to create, it proved to be worth the cost.
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement

    Rush-Bagot Agreement
    The agreement which limited naval power for both the U.S. and British Canada on the great lakes. It had also given the U.S. fishing rights.
  • Convention of 1818

    Convention of 1818
    Set border between the U.S. and Canada at 49 degrees lat. It also settled issues of fur trade in the Oregon Country.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    A compromise that settled border disputes between Spain and the U.S. It also ceded today's Florida, but came at a cost of today's Texas (along with $5 million).
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Compromise to settle conflicts that had risen during Missouri's statehood application. It also set conditions on
    1). Missouri will be a slave state.
    2). Maine will enter as well as free state.
    3). Slavery will be prohibited in state/territories above 36 degrees Latitude.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    A Doctrine proposed by President Monroe to stop colonization in the Western Hemisphere and let Latin countries self govern themselves.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The election that John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson ran for. Andrew Jackson had won popular vote, but didn't have enough electoral votes. The House chose John Quincy Adams as presidents. Though Andrew Jackson had won popular vote, many view it a a Corrupt Bargain.
  • Period: to

    Extra Credit

  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    This election was the first to have candidates campaign against each other rather than support themselves. Andrew Jackson had a landslide victory, because of John Quincy Adams poor term previously
  • The Texas War for Independence

    The Texas War for Independence
    This War started for Texans wanting independence from Mexico. It consisted of three main battles, including the battle of Gonzalez,which was the start of the war, the battle of Alamo, which became a stalling fight and battle cry, and the battle of San Jacinto, which was the end of the war, with Texas gaining it's independence.
  • The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail
    This trail, originally started by mountain men, was a common trail to travel west and adapted to better suit people travelling. It was a 2000 mile journey through mountains and plains, from Independence, Missouri, to Portland Oregon. though many travel through this trail, it is a also a trail for forks, leading prospectors to California and Mormons to Utah.
  • The Colony of Stephen F. Austin

    The Colony of Stephen F. Austin
    As an empresarios, or agent, Stephen's job was to bring American settlers to the land of Texas. He was given permission to start a colony on the lower side of the Colorado River.
  • The Start of the American-Mexican War

    The Start of the American-Mexican War
    The United States went to war with Mexico for refusing to negotiate border terms for California and states around it. With the help of Gen. Taylor, America had succeede in defeating Mexico.
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    A group of western travelers tried to travel to california, but became stranded in the Sierra Nevada mountains. While traveling the Oregon trail, They decided to take a shortcut and travel off-road. This resulted in them becoming stranded in mountains over winter. of the original 87 travelers, 42 died. It is believe that the Donner Party had resorted to cannibalism for their own survival.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe de Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe de Hidalgo
    This was the treaty that ended the Mexican-American War. Its contents included America's right to buy most of present south-western America for $15 Million.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    The was the start of a booming start in California. At Sutter's mill, James Marshall found gold along a river. It was soon revealed that there was gold because of another sighting by a Spanish speaking native. This resulted in the population to skyrocket, and have an diverse community. California was soon eligible for statehood soon after.
  • The Annexation of Oregon

    The Annexation of Oregon
    Oregon had been claimed by many countries, such as Spain, Britain, Russia, and the U.S. In order to gain an exact boundary, the slogan "fifty-four forty or fight was created. This resulted in Britain settling the dispute.
  • The Gadsden Purchase

    The Gadsden Purchase
    This was the purchase that completed the rest of what is present day South-West America. This was purchased for $10 Million.