2. I went to Colombia
I went to Colombia at only 3 months old for 6 months, with my grandmother. Ever since I was a little girl, I had been visiting my family in Colombia. I learned how to speak Spanish and learn the Hispanic culture. Going to Colombia makes me want to travel the world and exploring new things in life. -
1. I was born
I was born in Abington hospital. If I was not born I would not have made these accomplishments in life. My sister would not have a little sister named Erin. My mom would not have a artistic daughter. Nor have a daughter that is as athletic as I am. -
4. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was signed
The No Child Left Behind Act, was signed into law by President George W. Bush. NCLB was an updated name for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. NCLB was created because American education system was no more internationally competitive. This act put a unique focus on making sure that all schools boost the performance of specific groups of students such as students in special education. It increased the federal position in making schools responsible for academic progression. -
3. The Department of Homeland Security became the newest cabinet of the US government
It was made in 2002 as part of the patriot Act, in main response to the September 11, 2001 terror attack on the United States. It developed the " terror threat" system that in which is still used today. The development of the Department of Homeland Security was important because it developed new jobs and titles within U.S. government. -
5. George W. Bush and a U.S.-led coalition commence the Iraq War
As soon as explosions began in Baghdad, Iraq's capital, U.S. President George W. Bush announced on television, " At this point, American and Coalition forces are in the starting stages of military performances to disarm Iraq, to free its peoples and to protect the world from threats." President Bush and his advisers constructed this call on the idea that Iraq, Saddam Hussien, owned or was in possessed of creating weapons of mass destruction.This is important because it was to protect out people. -
6. I went to my first art class
I love art, I eat, sleep, and breathe art. I can express my feelings in art. It helps me go in a happy place all the time. Ever since my first art class, I always want to develop new art techniques and become a better artist. -
7. Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast
After four days of Katrina's hit on the United States, President George W. Bush signed a $10.4 billion aid package and ordered 7,200 National Guard troops the regions that were hit. A couple of days later, he requested - and congress approved- an additional $51.8 billion in aid. This world wide event made people realize how much unity in our nation is important when it comes down to national crises. -
8. Congress passes the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA) provides up to $700 billion to the Secretary of the Treasury to invest in mortgages and other assets that are holding up the balance sheets of financial institutions and making it hard for middle class families and people, businesses, and other companies to get hold of credit, which is important to a large growing economy. This act was important because was to protect working families keep their homes and provide tax payers protection. -
10. Swine Flu, sweeped the nation
In 2009, the swine flu virus was detected.This virus was a combination of influenza virus genes never recently identified in either people or animals.The virus genes were a combination of genes that would related to North American swine- lineage H1N1 and Eurasain swine-origin H1N1 influenza viruses.The government created a vaccine to protect all the people of the country. This event was important because new medications got invented and the government was more involved in children's health. -
9. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
The President signed The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or Recovery Act, into law on February 17, 2009.This Act is extremely significant because it is an unknown effort to advance our economy, save and make millions of jobs, and place a payment on addressing problems that were neglected for a long period of time, so that our country can expand in the future. -
12. President Obama signs the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
President Barack Obama signed his health care into a law, promoting the idea that everyone should have security when it comes to health. But regarding President Obama's signature, the legislative work on the bill is not over. Democrat and Republicans fought that was expected to the last balance of that week. The Republicans strongly believed that the bill was unconstitutional. But, in the end it is important because,the affordable health care saved millions of lives. -
11. I get a dog for my birthday
My dog is a golden retriever. In the future, I hope to buy another golden retriever. Picking out a golden retriever makes me admire and appreciate dogs more. I learn that dogs are the best companions a person can ever have in their life. But, I also learned new responsibilities in life, by taking care of something other than myself. -
14. The Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA)
The Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA) was made into law on August 2, 2011. The BCA was important because it set caps on elective spending for FY 2012 through FY 2021 and developed the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. This committee was usually referred to as the Super Committee. -
13. Dont ask Dont Tell officially ended
The term was copied after Pres. Bill Clinton signed a law informing, that military manpower “don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t pursue, and don’t harass.” When it became effective, the policy lifted a ban on homosexual service. In December 2010 both the House of Representatives and the Senate voted to take away the policy, and President Barack Obama signed the legislation on December 22. . This was an important event because many couples were able to get married legally. -
16. Washington Governor Chris Gregoire signs a bill legalizing same-sex marriage.
From Boston to San Francisco, numerous amounts of gay couples struggle to have their rights granted.Eight years ago, Jane Abbott Lightly and Pete-e- Peterson walked into the King County Recorder's Office,applied for a license to marry.In Washington, Governor Chris Gregoire signed into law legislation making same sex marriage legal.The bill singing brought Washington in line with six other states by making gay marriage legal which was significant because many states followed that law as well. -
15. Hurricane Sandy was the largest Atlantic hurricane
President Obama called a new executive order forcing federal agencies to coordinate with state and local people to increase the power to get ready for the impacts of weather change and to improve the rebuilding of communities and their infrastructure.About $65 billion, the hurricane was the 2nd most expensive hurricane in US history. 24 states had major physical and financial destruction from the storm. This was important because people then realized that unity is very important. -
17. I rode my first horse in Colombia
I never realized that I could love horse back riding as much as I love to run or paint. On the farm in Colombia, I rode horses everyday. When I get older I want to ride more horses and teach my children how to appreciate nature as much as I do. -
25. I sold my first painting
I really want someone to enjoy my paintings to decorate their homes or just for safe keeping. I sold my first painting for 25 dollars. It was a good beginning price. This experience teaches me how to price my paintings in the future and to encourage myself to make more art work. -
18. The Zica Virus Hits
This virus is a dangerous virus mainly to pregnant women. The zica virus spread primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito bite. In response to the virus President Obama has called on congress to provide emergency funding to kill this disease including to, speed the development of vaccine and allow people especially pregnant women to more easily get tested. This virus made people more aware of their surroundings and new technology developed. -
19. I ran my first cross country meet
I love running, it makes me really happy. This race made me want to run more because I did such a great job. I run everyday to get better at running. My first race has been my best race yet and I plan to work hard to beat my time. Running cross country makes me want to run winter track and spring track. -
20. I made my own Canvas frame
Since I love admire drawing so much, I thought a true artist constructs their own canvas board and frame. There is a specific way to make a canvas. I made my canvas that was unique and was extremely inexpensive. It was important for me to make my own canvas board because I got to learn to be more creative and spend money properly. Usually large canvases can be up to 100 dollars. Instead of investing so much money, I wanted to experience making my own board that was special in its own way. -
21. My grandmother passed away
I adored my grandmother deeply. She was the person who I always look up to. After her death, I could not concentrate on school work. I learned to get back on track with school but, everyday I miss her. She taught me how to enjoy life and I will always remember to go by her words in the future. -
23. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act into law
In 2008, a financial crisis left millions of Americans without jobs and ended up in trillions in lost wealth.President Obama signed the Act into law, so this crisis does not occur again.The law supports common-sense protections for American families, making new consumer watchdog to prevent mortgage companies and pay-day lenders from exploiting consumers.These new rules will make a more stable financial system,that provides a great foundation of long lasting economic expansion and job creation. -
22. Sonia Sotomayor becomes the first Hispanic to serve on the Supreme Court
Sonia Sotomayor took the judicial oath, becoming the first Hispanic and the third woman to serve on the Supreme Court.In the very first ceremony, she got the standard oath declared by all federal employees, promising to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Republicans criticize her because of her heritage and calling her " wise Latina". This event made a change in the country by, making people view Latino people differently. -
24. I went to the Amazons in Colombia
I went to the Amazons for the first time. I never experienced anything so amazing in my life. I got to explore different nature and hike through the rain forest. I learned about so many wildlife. It was a time in my life that I would never forget. After my trip to the Amazons I realized that the tribes live are so different than the way I live. -
Citations 3-8
4. http://www.edweek.org/ew/section/multimedia/no-child-left-behind-overview-def
7. http://www.politico.com/story/2012/10/10-facts-about-the-katrina-response-081957
8.http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/28/summary-emergency-economic-stabilization-act-2008/ -
Citations 9-18
10. http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/cdcresponse.htm
13. https://www.britannica.com/event/Dont-Ask-Dont-Tell
14. https://www.ncsha.org/resource/budget-control-act-2011-one-page-summary
18.https://www.whitehouse.gov/zika -