
  • born

    my name is savannah i have 3 siblings ,i was born in orange county on october 9,2001
  • Emergency room

    when i was 4 years old i was sent to the ER,i had been running around and hit the corner of my crib ,i was bleeding non stop i had to stay in the hospital overnight with 10 stitches
  • kindergarden

    i went to hazard elementary , most kinds entered kindergarten at 6 but i entered one year earlier,unlike most kids i was excited to go to school i didn't cry i really enjoyed it
  • car accident

    every morning my mom would drop me and my 2 siblings off at school one day a speeding car hit the side of the car leaving a dent luckily no one was hurt but the lady in the car but all the blame on my mom so she had to suffer the consequences,having to go to court for the very first time
  • fighting

    my cousins birthday was pretty big,considering i have a huge family all my family attended ,the music was loud,uncles where drunk later on that day 2 of my uncles got in a huge fight beer bottles where thrown and all the kids where to stay inside my cousin had gotten into the fight too which cause an event bigger caos that night everyone had been in tears due to the fact my uncle was sent to the ER, living witha big family has its ups and downs fighting was almost an everyday thing
  • vacation

    every summer my family and i go to orlando,florida for 2 weeks just to spend time together because most of the my parents are working and dont get home till late at night
  • confirmation

    doing my confirmation taught me alot to appricate the things i have and not just about faith but about family about how doing one thing cant only affect you but the others around you this changed me as a person and how i view things
  • camping

    everytime we had a break from school my uncle would take me and my sisters to go camping this was always a fun weekend we would go fishing
  • Sister

    my little sister was sent to the ER at 3:00am in the morning she had been so sick it hurt to see her this bad her fever was only getting worst, she was having cesures and had stayed for 2 weeks in the hospital with me not getting to see her
  • sister still in the hospital

    my sister being the hospital really changed me and i wasnt the same, missing her wanted to her to come home and having bad thoughts of what the doctors were saying could happen i thought we would lose her to this it was only getting worse by time all i could do was pray she would be okay i missed so school and distance myself from many of my close friends
  • death

    coming home from school seeing my dad home which was weird knowing he usally gets home around 10, my cousin who was still young and was such a happy girl she passed away she had downsydrome,always talking abolut what she wanted to do her future i wish i woud have seen her more and told her things before she left us
  • piercing

    i had begged my parents to get a nose piericing for the longest time and they finally decided to let me have it