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    Los Visigodos

    The Visigoths were branches of a nomadic tribe of German people. Some refer to them as the Goths. The Visigoths came from earlier Gothic groups who invaded the Roman Empire. They first settled in southern Gaul. They have a Visigothic Code of Law, which was “one of the greatest contributions of the Visigoths to family law.” La religión de los Visigodos es el cristianismo. Los Visigodos creyó en la iglesia.
  • Aug 31, 700

    Los Iberos

    The Iberians knew metalworking and agricultural techniques. The Iberians would trade metal, copper, and tin. They were the most important goods to trade. It is suggested that they arrived in Spain in the Neolithic period, Los Iberos intercambió con otras culturas mediterráneas. La idioma de los Iberos fue extinto en 1st siglo AD. The Iberians would produce sculpture in stone and bronze, Most of the sculptures were influenced by the Greeks and the Phoenicians.
  • Sep 2, 711

    Los Moros

    The Moors were Muslim inhabitants. They lived in the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages. They were of Arab, Berber, and Sub-Saharan African descent. The Moors lived in Mazara and they made the island stronger. The Moors were expelled from Sicily to the settlement of Lucera. Los Moros presentó el papel a Europa y Árabe. Los Moros presentó la naranja, el limón, y otra cultivos.
  • Sep 3, 722

    La Reconquista

    The Reconquista is the history of the Iberian Peninsula over 770 years. This period ended right before the New World was discovered. The Reconquista began with the Battle of Covadonga. A small army was lead by Pelagius and they defeated an Umayyad army. In 722 the first Asturian victory occurred against the Muslims. Que hicó el impuesto subio. Favilla de Asturias estuvo el rey pero el oso le mató.
  • Sep 3, 1478

    La Inquisición

    The Inquisition was established by Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. They wanted it to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in those who converted from Judaism and Islam. The Spanish Inquisition was the period of time during which Portugal and Spain were under common rule. This regulation became more intense when the royal decrees ordered Jews and Muslims to leave Spain. Cien mil cincuenta personas acusó con un crimen. Dos mil a cinco mil personas ejecutó.
  • Sep 3, 1492

    El Imperio Español

    The spanish empire used to be one of the largest empires in the world. It originated during the age of exploration after Columbus’s voyages. Spain had many different territories. After the Spanish-American war, Spain surrendered its last colonies in the Caribbean and the Pacific to the United States. Spain’s last African colonies gained independence in 1975. El Imperio Español tuvo mucho cultura, urbano, y arquitectura. Tuvo las iglesias, las esquelas, y los hospitales, que aguanta hoy.
  • La Armada

    In 1588, a Spanish fleet off 130 ships sailed from Coruña. Their purpose was to escort an army from Flanders to invade England. They wanted to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I of England. The expectation was to put a stop to English interference in the Spanish Netherlands. La Armada no atacó Plymouth. La Armada echó ancla a Calais.
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    La Guerra Civil

    The Spanish Civil War was a war between the Republicans and the Nationalists. The Nationalists, led by General Francisco Franco, won the war. Francisco then ruled Spain for 36 years, up until his death. The war started after the Spanish Republican Armed Forces declared their opposition against the government of the Second Spanish Republic. El ejército apoyó el grupo de rebelde. El gobierno de españa controló Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, y Málaga.
  • España Moderna

    The official name of Spain is the Kingdom of Spain. In 2014, 64.9 million people visited Spain. Spain provides most of the world's corks. Cork trees flourish in the dry areas of Spain. Spain is the 2nd largest country in Western Europe and the 2nd most mountainous. España está el mayor productor de aceite de oliva. España es dividido en 17 comunidades autónomos.
  • Los Romanos

    Julius Caeser was the dictator during a series of civil wars. He was assassinated in 44 BC.The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful economic, cultural, political, and military forces in the world. It was the largest empire of the classical antiquity period. The Roman and Greek culture was spread throughout the world and played a big role in developing the modern world. La idioma de los Romanos sio latín. Los Romanos recibió un educación excelente y aprendió Griego como idioma.