
  • Dec 31, 1095

    Catholic Church Pre-Reformation 1-Indulgences

    Catholic Church Pre-Reformation 1-Indulgences
    Notes and https://www.history.com/topics/reformation/reformation
    Before the reformation, the Catholic church believe that you could be saved by paying for indulgences. These would help to save you from sin and keep you from going to hell. Indulgences were sold by the church and some thought this was not right.
  • 1400

    Life/Culture during the renaissance 1 Education

    Life/Culture during the renaissance 1 Education
    Education during the renaissance time was for upper to middle class boys. They were taught reading, writing and math. As they got older some would get jobs but the better students were sent to Universities. A few poor boys were allowed to attend school if they were seen as talented.
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Life/Culture during the renaissance 1 Education

    Education during the renaissance time was for upper to middle class boys. They were taught reading, writing and math. As they got older some would get jobs but the better students were sent to Universities. A few poor boys were allowed to attend school if they were seen as talented.
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Life/Culture during the renaissance 2 food

    Food during the renaissance time was different for each class. The Merchants and Nobles had big feasts with lots of good food. They ate a lot of beef and pork. They had desserts and other fancy foods like cheese and salads. They also drank wine because the water was not safe to drink.
    The peasants ate the leftovers which were turned into soup or mush. They ate low quality bread. Some got to have fish and they had to drink the water.
  • Dec 31, 1432

    Inventions 1 oil paints

    Inventions 1 oil paints
    Oil Paints were invented by Jan Van Eyck. Artist used oil paints to show details and to make to painting better and also oil paints dried faster. And this paint was good to bring things to life. Oil paints did not become popular until the 15th century but were developed during the 5th to 10th centenary. Oil paints also gave people more colors to choose from when painting.
    My homework and notes
  • Dec 31, 1450

    Inventions 3 - The Printing Press

    Inventions 3 - The Printing Press
    Gutenberg invented the printing press. This invention allowed people to print things more quickly and get news spread. This invention allowed people to read more and learn more about what was going on. The first book he printed with his press was the Bible.
  • Feb 9, 1498

    Renaissance art/artist 2 the last supper

    Renaissance art/artist 2 the last supper
    The Last Supper is about the last meal Jesus would have with his disciples before he would be betrayed and put to death. He started the painting in 1495 and finished in 1498. This is one of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous paintings.
  • 1500

    Catholic Church Pre-Reformation 2 -Roman Catholic Church

    Catholic Church Pre-Reformation 2 -Roman Catholic Church
    Before the reformation everyone was part of the Roman Catholic Church. This type of church was led by a Pope that was in Rome. The church was rich and powerful. They sold indulgences to help save people from sin and going to hell.
  • Oct 10, 1517

    Renaissance art/artist 3 Mona Lisa

    Renaissance art/artist 3 Mona Lisa
    This paining is of La Gioconda. It is painted on wood with oil paints. She is dressed in Florentine clothes and put in front of a beautiful setting of mountains. Her facial expression mostly her mouth give this painting a unknown meaning. Very famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation- 95 Theses

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation- 95 Theses
    Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses. He believed that you could be saved by faith and grace. He questioned others believes but never accused them of being wrong. He thought you needed to live a good life and have faith to get into heaven. He did not feel you could buy your way in.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation 2

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation 2
    and class notes.
    Martin Luther translated the Bible to German. He got German pheasants to revolt. This lead to Lutheranism to become a new form of religion. He believed the Church was corrupt and had conflicts.
  • Nov 19, 1523

    Patrons of the Art 1- Giulio de'Medici

    Patrons of the Art 1- Giulio de'Medici
    Giulio de' Medici was known as Pope Clement VII. He became a cardinal and then became a Pope. He commissioned Michelangelo's painting Last Judgement. He commissioned this painting in 1523 when he was Pope.
  • Dec 31, 1565

    Renaissance art/artist 1 Hunters in the snow

    Renaissance art/artist 1 Hunters in the snow
    Pieter Brugal the Elder was the artist for Hunters In The Snow. The meaning of this painting was to show that men do not have power if they are at the mercy of the natural season.
    From homework
  • Sep 9, 1569

    Renaissance Art/Artist 4 The Beggars

    Renaissance Art/Artist 4 The Beggars
    This painting is of 3 people who are crippled and one woman. The woman is holding a bowl for begging. They think that the different hats that crippled people are wearing are for the different classes of people that lived at that time. This was a painting on wood with oil paints. This painting was painted by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
  • Scientific discoveries 1 Microscope

    Scientific discoveries 1 Microscope
    This was invented in 1590 by Zacharias Janssen. He used lens to allow people to see things that were too small to see with your eye. The lens enlarged things so you could learn about them and study them. They started with a tube with lens in it and then made the microscope.
  • Scientific discoveries 2 Thermometer

    Scientific discoveries 2 Thermometer
    The thermometer was invented by Galileo in 1593. The thermometer was used to measure heat. Helped with human temperature, weather, or even water temperature. It was a short tube with liquid at the bottom but has been updated to what it is today. This was a great tool of the renaissance time.
  • Literary work 1 Hamlet

    Literary work 1 Hamlet
    This is a book written by William Shakespeare that is a tragedy and a drama. This book goes to both sides of the emotions. It has vengeance and a lot of other great parts to it. This is one of Shakespeare best stories. One of the best books to come from the renaissance time.
  • Literary works 2 King Lear

    Literary works 2 King Lear
    This writing by Shakespeare goes over the downfall of King Lear. He gives his kingdom to his two daughters that can not be trusted when he realizes he should have given it to his third and faithful daughter it is too late. Another one of Shakespeare great writings that came from the renaissance time.
  • Second Invention Adding Machine

    Second Invention Adding Machine
    The adding machine was the first business machine. It was also used to help with taxes. This worked by turning the dial clockwise to add and counterclockwise to subtract. Then that answer would pop up at the top of the machine. This was a great machine for the time period. Blaise Pascal invented this first machine. He made it in 1642 but got a patent in 1649.
    From our notes on classroom.