Steam Engine
James Watt
The Steam Engine impacted the American Society by driving the Industrial Revoulution. The Steam Engine created more jobs and drew more people to the urban centers. Steam Engines are not used today. -
John Fitch
Delaware River
The impact that the Steamboat had on American Society was that people could travel over sea faster and transport better. The Steamboat is still used today but run on nucleuar power engines instead of steam to transport goods. -
Erie Canal
The Erie Canal impacted the American society by making settlers move west to New York, MIchigan, Illnois, Ohio, and Wisconsin. It also helped transportation quicker and it made the price of transportation reduce. The Erie Canal is not used today but boaters still go there for pleasure. -
Quincy, Massuchesetts
Canal and Railroads
The impact Railroads have on American Society was that it supplied cities and towns with food, fuel, building materials, and access to markets. Railroads also helped the physical growth of cities and towns. Railroads are still used today by helping poeple transport quicker. -
Mechanical Reaper
Cyrus McCormick
The Mechanical Reapers impact on American Society was that it made the demand of slaves increase, enabled the ecomny to rise, made slave traders more money, also enabled extra manufactoring allowing farmers to export world wide, making eatern markets grow. The Mechanical Reaper is not used today. -
Steel Plow
John Deere
Grand Detour, Illnois
The impact that the Steel Plow had on American Society was that it made farmers lifes easier. It was used to break up tough soil without it being stuck to it. It also brought more people to the west. The Steel Plow is still used today but more upgraded and is still used to break up tough soil without the soil being stuck to it. -
Samuel Morse
New York
The Telegraph's impact on American Society was that it made communcation easier on Americans. The Telegraph is not used today. -
Morse Code
Samuel Morse
New York
The impact the Morse Code had on American Society was that it revolutionized communication.The Morse Code is not used today -
Vulcanized Rubber
Charles Goodyear
Springfield, Massechusetts
The impact Vulcanized Rubber had on American society was that it was first rubber that was durable and could with stand the cold/hot weather. Also it revolutionized the rubber industry. Vulcanized Rubber is being used today because it is used to make automoblie tires and other rubber products. -
Sewing Machine
Issac Singer
Specer Massachusetts
The impact the sewing machine has on American society it that it made a huge impact on the textile industry and women. It made the womens job in the textile industry so much easier. Sewing Machines are still used today but they are mainly used at home to sew clothes and they are not used in factors today.