
  • ZI computer

    ZI computer
    This was the first promgramable computer.
    I choose this because it was the first steep in programming.
  • Hardvard Mark-1

    Hardvard Mark-1
    It is a room sized realay computer. It was used to produce mathemtialy table and the used to store program computers.
    I picked it because it was neat that it was the first in Harvard Univerisity.

    A machine that improved by 1,000 times on the speed of its contemporaries.
    I choose this because I thought it was cool that the speed kept improving.
  • Components

    Instalation of magnetic core memory on the Whirlwind computer. Core memory made computers more reliable, faster, and easier to make.
    I picked this because its such a differnce what we have know from the compeonents we stared with
  • intro to keyboard

    intro to keyboard
    In 1956 at MIT, researchers began experimentation on direct keyboard input on computers.
    I picked this becuase its so sool how keybords are what run inputs on our computer and somthing differnt back then.
  • first computer game

    first computer game
    The first computer game Spacewar Computer Game invented BY Steve Russell & MIT .
    I picked this becuase we have thousands of games today and its cool how the first one was invented in 1962
  • First mouse

    First mouse
    Douglas Engelbart invents and patents the first computer mouse.
    I picked this because its cool how they named it mouse because of the wire that coming out from the back like a mouse
  • E-mail

    E-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson.
    I picked this becuase know technology has gome from email to text,skype,facebook,ect
  • Apple

    Apple Computers was founded Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Laterthe the first personal computer with color graphics, is demonstrated.
    I picked this one because apple now is the top brand there is . Apple is world wide. Its so cool what it has become
  • World wide web

    World wide web
    The World Wide Web is launched to the public on August 6, 1991
    I picked this because its soo intresting how my parents generation didnt grow up with internet and how popular it has become