Time toast

  • Friedrich Mieschner

    Friedrich Miescher isolated "nuclein," DNA with associated proteins, from cell nuclei. He was the first to identify DNA as a distinct molecule.
  • rosalind franklin & maurice wilkins

    Franklin was in the studies of x-ray crystallography and she was the first person to ever discover how DNA was made up of the double helix shape.
  • Fredrick Griffith

    unexpectedly uncovered a clue about DNA’s function. Griffith was studying pneumonia-causing bacteria in the hope of creating a vaccine.
  • Avery, McCarty and McCleod

    They determined the "Transforming Principal" through the process of elimination. First, a full complement of hereditary information must be transmitted along with the molecule; second, each cell of a given species should contain the same amount of it; third, because the molecule functions as a genetic bridge between generations, it has to be exempt from change; and fourth, it must be capable of encoding the almost unimaginably huge amount of information required to build a new individual.
  • hershy & chase

    That DNA transmits a full complement of hereditary information. they started working on bacteriophage a virus that infects bacteria. they proved that the material bacteriophage injects into bacteria is DNA, not protein
  • Linus Pauling

    founder of molecular biology due to his discovery of the spiral structure of proteins
    through his experiments it helped along Watson and crick with their experimental phases of the double heilix
  • barbra McClintock

    proved that genetic elements can sometimes change position on chromosomes making nearby genes inactive and active
  • Erwin Chargaff

    different species differs in its proportions of adenine and guanine
    Base pairing
    Chargaffs rule; in any given sample you will find equal amounts of all the bases
  • watson & crick

    along with the help of all the scientists before them, Watson & Crick came up with a scale model of the DNA double helix shape, they tried many times, but when they saw photo 51 they knew exactly how to shape the model.
  • meslon & stahl

    confirmed Watson and cricks model by showing each daughter DNA molecule contains one subunit and one DNA daughter subunit
  • Frederick Sanger

    proved that proteins/ amino acids were ordered molecules.
    was able to prove the deoxy method applicable to dna
  • paul berg

    the first scientist who insert foreign genes into other viruses
    he graduated high school at 16 and went to Penn State
  • Mullis

    created the polymerase chain reaction.
    a process of amplifying millions of more DNA molecules of a particular segment, its used in medicine
  • Venter

    developed a way to find genes 1990
    he built a human genome which took three years