Time Line Ingles 1-1

  • 2018 BCE

    Visit to Belize

    Visit to Belize
    When I was there I visited some distant relatives, we went to the island of San Pedro and we submerged in the water to see the coral from there, it was full of fish, there were rays and sharks too, it was a very nice experience
  • 2016 BCE

    My first time in a real museum

    My first time in a real museum
    I remember that for some time I had wanted to go to a museum of real dinosaurs, then when I entered that museum and saw the skeletons of dinosaurs that I liked a lot, I did not lose a second and enjoy every moment I saw each of the bones , I liked to read the information of each one and at the same time imagine those animals with such a big life in front of me.
  • 2016 BCE

    When I went to Disney

    When I went to Disney
    I always wanted and my brothers also go to Disney, a park where everyone went and said it was the best,
    In spite of that, when I arrived I did not like it as much as I expected but at least I also visited Universal Studios, where I did entertain a lot.
  • 2016 BCE

    My first trip

    My first trip
    That year the school made a trip to Europe to play in a handball tournament, we went to Spain, we met many places in Barcelona and we went to Italy knowing Rome, even though we did not win games and I broke a finger so I could not Playing still was very exciting to meet people from different cultures and see how big the world was.
  • 2014 BCE

    My first time as a standard-bearer

    My first time as a standard-bearer
    That year was one of the years I spent most of my time on homework, especially because I wanted to carry a flag that I saw others carrying at civic events, when I was holding the flag in my hands I felt empowered and very proud of myself.
  • 2011 BCE

    When I adopt my dog

    When I adopt my dog
    I remember that with my brothers we wanted a dog very much, we asked our parents a lot and after some time they granted us the wish, we loved playing with him and teaching him things like bathing in the patio.
  • 2010 BCE

    When I enter to the American Suizo

    When I enter to the American Suizo
    That first day of classes was very peculiar, I saw all those children that I did not know and I felt strange, the school was much bigger than where I was and the classes and recesses were also new for me, despite that I did some friends with whom I still join.
  • 2009 BCE

    When I visited the Zacapa museum

    When I visited the Zacapa museum
    I remember that from the first time you saw that museum I could not stop wanting to visit it again, I loved it and there, to see the bones of prehistoric mammals that I related to dinosaurs but they were not, yet I just loved to see the bones and think in how were those animals when they lived.
  • 2008 BCE

    When I went to IRTRA

    When I went to IRTRA
    I remember that one night before I could not sleep because I wanted to go to that park that they told me was very funny, when I was there I saw the pools and the slides and could not stand it anymore and get into the mechanical games too.
  • 2007 BCE

    When I met the sea

    When I met the sea
    It was a very fun day, I had never seen such a large pool despite having only put my legs in the water, so I made my sandcastle, put my toys in it and buried me with my sister in the sand.
  • 2006 BCE

    When I saw Jurassic Park

    When I saw Jurassic Park
    I loved dinosaurs but when I saw Jurassic Park and movies like Disney Dinosaur and The Land Before Time, I loved them even more, it was a great moment of my life, since then I like them a lot and until now Jurassic Park is my movie favorite
  • 2006 BCE

    When I enter school

    When I enter school
    That day I had many of going to school, I remember that I was very excited, I did not cry like other children when their mother left them, instead I was very enthusiastic about learning and meeting human persons.
  • 2005 BCE

    Meet Barney

    Meet Barney
    I remember that I liked to see Barney, listened to all his songs, then my parents took me to meet him, it was something very exciting for my life, it was something like meeting a famous person.
  • 2003 BCE

    My first birthday

    My first birthday
    It's a special day because it's the first time I hit a nemo piñata and it was also the first time I ate cake and I think it was a very happy day for me.
  • 2003 BCE

    When I learned to walk

    When I learned to walk
    That day was a very important day for my life, if I had not learned to walk I would not walk now, I remember that day I grabbed furniture and did everything possible to stay on my feet.
  • 2002 BCE

    When I was born

    When I was born
    This is the most important day of my life, because if not there would not be more days in my life, that day I guess I learned many things like breathing air.