Time line computer

  • 500 BCE

    The abacus was the first device that helped the human being in solving aritmetic problems

    The abacus was the first device that helped the human being in solving aritmetic problems
  • The calculation rule consisted of two graduated rules that slide one over the other

    The calculation rule consisted of two graduated rules that slide one over the other
  • The first adding machine was invented wich was also used to substract

    The first adding machine was invented wich was also used to substract
  • The first digital computer was invented it was programed by a series of punched cards that contained the instructions data

    The first digital computer was invented it was programed by a series of punched cards that contained the instructions data
  • an analog machine was the first that used electrical circuits

    an analog machine was the first that used electrical circuits
  • The ENIAC was invented the first electronic computer was built in pensilvania to calculate artillery tables

    The ENIAC was invented the first electronic computer was built in pensilvania to calculate artillery tables
  • Period: to

    UNIVAC was designed by Eckerd it used vacuum tubes it was the first generation of computers

  • Period: to

    Second generation were fast and small with new lenguages called high level lenguages

  • Third generation

    Third generation
  • fourth generation the processor of the computers was denomined microprocessor

    fourth generation the processor of the computers was denomined microprocessor
  • fifth generation

    fifth generation
  • sixth generation

    sixth generation