
1800's timeline U.S history

  • Period: to

    era of good feelings

    an era of "peace, pride and progress." celabrated by the americans, nothing seemed to be able to go wrong. that quote was later minted onto a coin on july 12, 1817.
  • mcCulloch vs. Maryland

    in the court, they ruled that the national bank was in fact condtitutional, after a branch mnager named James mcCulloch protested by not paying his taxes.
  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    settled the issue of creating missouri a slave state, when the states at the time had already been equal, by making it legal to have slaves in the state but no new slaves could be bought.
  • adams-onis treaty

    adams-onis treaty
    settled teritory and border disputes between spain and the U.S, in this we gained east florida and the U.S gave up claims in present day texas.
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    santa fe trail

    a popular trading highway and migration route heading west.
  • monroe docterine

    monroe docterine
    a formal warning to european powers to not interfere with the americans, named after the curent president, monroe.
  • bureau of indian affairs

    bureau of indian affairs
    created to controle the native americans and to enforce the indian removal act.
  • states rights docterine

    states rights docterine
    a document that stated that since thr states had formed a national government, that state power should be greater then federal power.
  • tariff of abominations

    tariff of abominations
    congress placed a high tariff on imported goods just before president Jackson took office.
  • inian removal act

    inian removal act
    congress established that what is now present day oklahoma was U.S territory, and that the indians who lived on that land had to leave their homes.
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    trail of tears

    a cherokee's 800 mile forced march, became known as the trail of tears.
  • nullification crisis

    nullification crisis
    conflict between the supporters and opposers of nullification, got heated and this heated event was names the nullification crisis.
  • whig party

    whig party
    a political party apposed to president Jackson, favored the idea of a weaker president and a stronger congress.
  • oregon trail

    oregon trail
    2000 miles long, a migration and setteers route.
  • alamo

    an abandoned mission near san antonio that became an important battle site in the texas revolution.
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    manifest destiny

    an obviouse fate to spread settlements all of yhe way to the pacific ocean, in order to spread democracy.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    travelers headed to california for the gold rush, got lost in the sierra nevada mountains. 42 people died and some people even resulted to eating their horses,pets,and even family memebers.
  • gold rush

    gold rush
    James Marshall was building a saw mill near a river and knoticed that there were yellow specks on the shore of a river. th later discovered that they were dold nuggets. by the time he got back home, got tools, and returned native americans had come across the gold. news got out and people from all over the nation came to prospect the land.
  • the treaty of guadalupe hindalga

    the treaty of guadalupe hindalga
    ended the mexican and american war,and gained the U.S most of mexico's northern territory for the U.S.
  • forty-niners

    the gold-seaking migrants to California were called the forty-niners.
  • gadsden purchase

    gadsden purchase
    The U.S paid mexico 10 million dollars for land that is now Arizona and New Mexico.
  • jacksonian democracy

    jacksonian democracy
    a sudden flair and wide spread expantion of democracy in the U.S.
  • spoils system

    spoils system
    the practice of giving government jobs to to political backers.