Graduate college
Determined never to use my BA in English to become a teacher, I spend nearly a decade in advertising as a writer, producer, account executive and account manager. -
Unexpected tragedy
I lose my brother in 1986, leading me to begin questioning my career. -
Round the World Airfare
I ditch my job and backpack around the world for a year deciding what to do with my life. The experience changes me forever. I want to both do something I find meaningful for a career and travel every chance I get. Public education seems like the perfect fit for me. -
Back to Grad School
I decide to ditch the MFA in Fiction Writing I am working on and become, at long last, a teacher. I settle into teaching English to 7th graders at a large public high school outside of Pittsburgh -
My daughter Ana is born
Leadership Development
Begin teaching Leadership and Theater in high school -
My son Marcus is born
Begin teaching Gifted Education
for 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Although I love the wild ride in middle school, I really love 9th and 10th grade gifted education. -
Commit myself to developing my gifted enrichment studies and staying home with my young children as a single mom -
Spent 2002 - 2009 committed to my kids and my students with lots of adventure sprinkled in -
Climb Kilimanjaro
with the wonderful man who will one day become my husband -
Buy an old whiskey distillery off Craig's List
and begin renovating it into a home overlooking the Allegheny River -
Begin Grad School at Lesley
with the idea of teaching Leadership Development in a blended learning environment to young women after I retire from public education -
Get Married
and gain a Brady Bunch of six kids to continue the adventure with