Thechology history progaming

By luisg01
  • The first televition

    The first televition
    It was created in England on 1878 by John Loggie Baird show the first cable televition
  • Computer Hardware

    Computer Hardware
    Was a maching that can think by her self do calculations and look stufs for you.
  • Mauchly and Presper build the UNIVAC

    Mauchly and Presper build the UNIVAC
    Mauchly and Presper leave the University of Pennsylvania and created UNIVAC the first digital computer.
  • Network clabe history

    Network clabe history
    In 1948 on Arkansas, Oregon the first televition cable was created.
  • Amercia Standar Code

    Amercia Standar Code
    ASCII — American Standard to give information to other people around the world

    The APRANET was the first network ever created by th eU.S. Departament of Defenses . TheTPC/IP protocol was created which is still used in today's computer
  • C Language

    C Language
    Operating Systems Language Compilers created by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie
  • Radio Shack's initial product

    Radio Shack's initial product
    The first Radio Shark was teh TRS-80 it was sold like crazy they can do whta ever they whant to do.
  • First Hard Drive

    First Hard Drive
    this was the first hard drive working it is a secondary memory.
  • Python

    It is used as a scripting language for ArcGIS crated by Guido van
  • The first computer with internet

    The first computer with internet
    The first computer with internet.
  • Multimedia Culture

    Multimedia Culture
    On the 1990's The computer came out in has Windows 95 operating system accelerated the mass of use of computer.
  • Java Computer Language

    Java Computer Language
    Client server web application which is usually web browser created by James Gosling
  • A ++

    A ++
    To comunicate with the computer is varyate of 0 and 1.
  • Windows 10

    Windows 10
    Windows 10 is the best windows yet has a new interfas "This combines the strengths of Windows 8 with Windows 7".