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My Exposure to Media: The Trigger
This timeline shows my evolution as a student and as a netizen on being an active participant to social issues presented to various mediums. This implies my social activity from all of the available material in the community and i the internet. At this point of my life, I am more exposed to magazines and newspapers wherein I find entertainment and sorts wanted information. Media from screens where scarce and thus hard copy materials where often the most utilized. -
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Knowing Back The Pre-Historic Age
With the trigger of bringing entertainment to me with the magazines I used to enjoy, I tried to know back what lies behind this aspect in life. Through all the educational field trips or even classroom discussion, I have exposed myself to the prehistoric communication in the use of papyrus and cube tablets by the Egyptians. -
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Understanding the Evolution: The Industrial Age
Analyzing the power of newspaper in broadsheets or even tabloids to the elders, I have observed that these have immensely imparted them a lot of knowledge and understanding to the reality. As a Grade 9 student on this period, I fully appreciate the impact of such kind of media for the current happenings. At this point of time, I am an active journalist and truly reliable to the latter for these have provided me the ethics of correct information dissemination through the use of media. -
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The Modern and The Electronic Age
Though there is already a lot of social media networking sites that emerged in this period, I am still more dependent to the truth and information presented on Television screens and the radio. In the electronic age, I am much exposed to fast and wide broadcast of such happenings worldwide. Watching or listening to the previously stated mediums allowed me to be aware and cognizant to the social issues that affects me as a citizen which lead me to admire the next age of media-The Digital Age -
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The World in The Screen
I as a being is already familiar to the Digital Age way back on my early years in Junior High School. However, maximizing the potential and usage of this period has only become available for me to well understand stepping on De La Salle Lipa. At this point, I immersed my journalistic spirit to the gateways of the internet through starting discussions or even valid arguments to my social media accounts to find not who's right but to what is right to certain issues that affects us as a citizen. -
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Media and I in Growth
Not because I am in specific age of Media Evolution doesn't mean I'm boxing myself only to the trending features of today. With all the knowledge and experience the different ages have brought, I shall continue my perspective that these mediums aren't intended only to entertain or to spread awareness but to trigger actions starting from each one of us to create a little step for further holistic improvement of our world, especially to what that concerns us.