Martin Luthers is Excommunicated
Summary:Martin Luthers takes back his 95 theses. Luther was the catholic church. Important:He was important because he was the most imprtana voice the the world of america. He treated everyone equal. He didnt treat anyone different because th thought know needed to be treated better then anyone, He said everyone need to be treated the same because know one should be treated better then another. He made it good for for the color people. -
Jan 1, 1095
Summary:The Vikings traved to the North America. Religious wars between the christians and the muslims. Fought over the holy land ( Jerusalem). Not much accomplished though a European military perspective. However,Europeans were introduced to many new things. Imprtant: This is important becasue people had to fight for things they did not even do wrong. The Crusades were important because they had a very strong Religon with peopl. They were not mean to others. -
Jan 2, 1300
Black Death
Summary:This was the plague of the 1300s. It killed 1/3 of the European population. Over 25 million people were killed in 5 years. NURSERY Rhyem ' Ring Around The Rosey" is about the bubonic plague. People believed it was a punishmeant from god. Every song came with something. Imprtant: the v\balck death was important because they gad a plgue thyhatb they had to go by. Some prople got killed for k This was important because they had a lot of poeple died for no reason and they got very sick. -
Jun 28, 1419
King Henry vll est. Anglican Church
Summary:King Henry vll est. Anglican chuch he was a religious battle christian and muslims. Fought over holy land. Important:He was important because everyone liked the way that he did the battleof Christans. -
Jan 4, 1492
Vogage of Columbus
Summary: In 1492 Christopher Columbus was in Italy. Christopher Columbus thought he should sail west to east to India. K and Q from spain have the money. Christopher Columbus he had 3 ships called Ninn,Pinta,Santa, and Maria. Also Christopher Columbus he had took 4 different trips. Important: I think that CHristopher Columsbus is Important because he sailed around for the US> He sailed for 6 months stright without stopping at different places he just kept on going. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco de Gama
summary: 1524 portugal Explorer. He wa also the 1st European to sail from th eEurope to india around Africa, They wanted indias spices. Important: Vascoonde Gama he wa the first explorer to sale the ocean. He was the person that found american. -
Jan 5, 1513
Ponce de loen explores Florida
Smmary: Ponce de Leon explores spain in 1513. HE was the 1st congvistador to explore to the modern day of the U.S. Ponce de leon was the man that was tring to find the Fountain of youth. But Ponce de Leon had never foung the Fountail of youth. Important: -
Apr 3, 1517
Postng of the 95theses 1517
Summary:October 31 1557 martin luther posted 95 theses os the door of the wittenv erg church. It browt changes in the relligions and the way of life. Important:This is important because back then they diidn't have rights to do anything. Martin wanted a lot of changes in the world. -
Jan 5, 1540
Coronado Explorers the grand canyon
Summary:Spain 1540 was the first to ecer see the Southeastern U.S. Looking for the 7 cities of cibula(Gold) but the gold was never found Important: Coronado Exploers od the grand Canyon he was the one that tried to find Gold but it never happen. -
Massachusetts Bay Est.
Summary: This was part of New Englan> They needed money,fish,building,Lumber =, adn whaling. Exported (sold) corn,fish,lumber.They were growing seafood,cranberries and livestock. Important:Massachusetts Bay est was important because they were the the English Settlement. THey are the 17th century in New England. -
Connecticut Establishment
Summary: There farming was hard for them. Only farmed enough for there families to eat. Soil was bad and the subsistence farming was hard for them as well> They did farming so the things they used was Wheat and corn. Important: Is the first southernest state in its relion in the Untied States known as the New England. -
Salem witch trails
Salem village-Purtian community. Began in home rev parris. Tituba telling stories to his daughter.Girls began acting crazy.Community was scared of witch cafty. Puritans were afraid of the devels. Important:They are the largest trail that was ever held in the history of america and the last major. -
French and Indian
Summary: This took place in 1754-1763 so it was 9 years. Fight between Friance and England over the otlio river vally. French nice to indian. England (BR) G. Washington to negotiate. W/ friench G.W accidentally killed french ambassador. Important: The French and Indian was important because it was the conflict that was part of the largest imperial conflict between Great Britian and Fench. -
Sugar Act
Summary: Reduce the rate of tax on moolasses from 6 pence per gallon. The act taxed more more for foreign goods including wines,coffee,cambric, nd printed calico. Timber and iron were also included in the products that could br traded only with England. Important: The Sugar Act is important because they did not have any suger back then because all the wars that they had. -
Stamp Act
Massachusetts briefly experimented with a stamp before 1765. The stamp act differed from the surger act that it was iintended to collect on "Internal Tax" and a trade tax.American colonies were obliged to pay a fee on alomost every piece of paper used for legal documents licenses. Important: The stamp act is important because all american colonists and they were required themto all pay taxs. -
Tea Act
Summary: THe press became more active in igts political discussions . Circulars and hand bill were and printed and distributed. The sons of liberty organised public demonstration against the British government. Important: -
Winter Vally forge
Sumary: General George Washington chose to winter his troops at vally forge. The continental Army arrived at vally forge. Historians estimate that over the winter about 2,500 men died from disease and exposure.
Important: Army's maturation into a more professal force. -
Battle of Yorktown
Summary: The battle of yorktown was the last great battle of the American Revolutional war. American comtinental Army in the south. American victories and caused the British army to reteart to the east coast. Important: George Washington was commanding a force of 17,000 peopl. -
Treaty Of Paris
Sumary: Based on a preliminary treaty agreed to in 1782. Redcognized the independence if the united states. Granted the U.S significant western territiries. Important: The treaty of Paris was not only the thirteen colonies were free. -
Louisiana Purchase
Summary: This was began in the 17th century. France controlled more o the present-day united states then any other. Louisiana is the west of the mississippi river Important:THis is important because it gave the u.s control of the Mississippi river. -
War of the 1812
Summary:Indiana's territirial governor. William Henry Harrison led the U.S troops to victory in the battle of the tippeccanoe. THey also needed help. Important:Becuase that had a important turming ponit that they had to do. -
Trail of Tears
Summary: It began in the 1830's. It is nearly 125,000 native americans lived on millions of acres.Lands in Georgia, TennesseAlabama, North Caralina and Florida. Important: The Trail of Tears they are one of the many attempt by rhe whites to remove the Native Americans from there homeland by force. -
Donner Party
Summary: In the spring of 1846 a group nearly 90 emigrants. Led by brothers Jacob and George Donner. Donner Party left spring filed un April 1846. Important: The donner party took place of the American History. -
Mexican-American war
Summary: The Mexican-American war was 1846-1848 marked the first U.S. It pitted a politically divided and military unorepared mexico. Taxas gained it independence from mexico. Important: They had a spanish guerra de 1847 or Guerra de estador unidosunidosana jexican -
Compromise of 1850
Summary: Senator Henry clay introduced a series of resolution on January 29, 1850 in all attempt to seek a compromise. Importat:Compromise of 1850 lies on the continuation of pesce archived by the 1820 Missouri compromise. -
Fugitive Slave Law
Summary:This was the most controversial element of the compromise of 1850. This was one of the 1850 compermize and height tened northern fears. Important:The Fugitive Slave Law passed of the compromise of 1850 -
Underground Railroad
Summary: The underground railroad was a netuork sercret roates and saft houses used by 19th century enslaved people of African descentin the unite states in effect to escape to free state and Canada qwith the aid of abolitions and allies who were sympathetic to these cause. Important:The conductor of the underground railroad. -
Emancipation Prodamation
Summary: Lincoln issued the Emancioation proclamation. Jauary 1,1863 the nation is the thrid year of booldy years. The proclamation declared the war. Importsnt:Emancipation Prodamation led the was to total abolition of slavery in the United States. -
Assassination of Lincoln
Summary:April 15,1865. Lincoln was the first president assassinated in the U.S history. He thought it would did the south. The country grived the frath of Lincoln. Importamt: He was the 16th pesident of the United States. -
Hernando De sota explores Mississippi
Summary: He was spain 1533 1st to see it. Asked to explore the pars of the U.S. He was the man that was seaching for the gold. ^20 men 220 hourses. ! month to bulid crafts to travel over. Important: Hernando de sota explores Mississippi river was important because he was the first Major to insest the Northern state.