Founded in 2300BC by early Babylon. This was an adding devied used to to arithmatic -
Bionary System
This system is the system that both man and computer can understand. This is the computer language still used today. -
Napier's Rods
This was used in most Mutilpying of the time. A new invention that would only lead to many more -
Blaise Pascal: Blaise Pascal invents the the "Pascaline", a mechanical adding machine -
Gottfried Leibniz
Gottfried Leibniz: Gottfried Leibniz is known as one of the founding fathers of calculus. This man was deadicated to math. -
Charles Babbage and his Computer
He made a computer that was able to be programmed but he himself did not upgrade it. This is the start of future computers. -
Analytical Engine
Analytical Engine: The Analytical Engine was invented by Charles Babbage. This is later discovered by him after the developement of his first computer. -
Morse Code
Morse code: Samuel Morse invents Morse . This code is like the code computers used, it created more words and orders of the computer language. This is another form of a different language -
Comptometer: The Comptometer is an invention of Dorr E. Felt which is operated by pressing key. This is the start of the idea of being able to push buttons to make a mechine do something -
Ancient Babylonia used the Abacus founded in 2400 BC. This was the one of the first inventions to the computer. -
IBM was formed as of June 15th 1911. This group contributed a lot to the developement throughout time and continue to now. -
Electro Machanical Television
John Logie Baird: Electro Mechanical television system was invented by John Logie Baird Walther Bothe: Walther Bothe develops the logic gate. The start of a monitor, a computer screen but for a future television -
Elcetro Mechanical Television
John Logie Baird: Electro Mechanical television system was invented by John Logie Baird
Walther Bothe: Walther Bothe develops the logic gate.
Leads to future Television developments and computer monitors. -
Konrad Zuse: Konrad Zuse creates the Z1 Computer a binary digital computer using punch tape. This machine lead to the future developments to the Z2,Z3, and Z4 Computers. -
First Calculator
George Stiblitz developes the first calculator, a stepping stone to the first computer. The calculator is a very important invention. -
The Bombe
Like the Nazis did before the allies this was the British encription machine that made it so people could exploit weak German encription. -
This is was the beginning of a way to push keys that came up onto a monitor. This invention was very important to the evoultion of the computer -
The Computer Mouse
Douglass E. Invents the first computer mouse. This mouse was the start of many changes to more evolved mice -
Email was developed by Ray Tomlinson. He is also the founder of using an @ symbol to seperate people's names on email. This became a way of sending messages on a computer. -
First Ever PC Video Game
The first game on PC is created. This was the start of many future majors and many jobs. It was also a form of entertainment which became popular over time. -
Portable Computer
Altair invents the first portable computer. The idea of a portable computer increased the popularity of the computer -
Apple 1
Steve Wozniak created the Apple 1. The Apple 1 wasnt the best looking computer but it was the most modern of the time. -
Apple 2
This new computer was the next launch after the 2nd with many new upgrades including a floppy disk and a Monitor. The evolution between the 1st and 2nd shows the increase in knowledge in only a short time span -
"WWW" World Wide Web
The World wide Web was launched in August 6. This project is a modern day succsess that makes it so information could be found within seconds. -
Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google. This corporation was always meant to grow and is still very big to this day. -
YouTube Lauched
YouTube was brought to life in 2005, This internet using website, started off small but made its importance known over time. Today people use YouTube in their daily lives for entertainment, knowledge and other uses.