The Story of Rachel Catherine Gilbert: 1999-Present

  • My birth

    I was born in Lansing, Michigan. I am a twin, and we are very close to each other!
  • The Birth Of My Little Sister

    My little sister was born when I was four years old, and suddenly I was not the center of attention anymore! Even though I was only four-year-old, I loved caring for her.
  • Google Becomes Publicly Available

    I remember my mom showing me Google when it first came out and how we could look up information to anything.
  • The iPhone is created

    I remember my dad bringing home his first iPhone, and we all took turns touching the screen.
  • The Adoption of my Little Brother

    When I was ten-years-old, we fostered and then adopted my little brother. At first, it was a very hard transition for me, but it ended up being a wonderful thing for my family and brother.
  • A New Church

    When I was ten, we switched churches, and it was a very hard transition for me. I was very close to the people at my old church, and I did not have any friends at my new church. I was excluded from the already-formed friendships at our new church, and it was a very lonely time for me. It ended up being a great situation for my family, but I struggled with feeling out of place for a couple of years.
  • Osama Bin Ladin is Killed

    I remember hearing that Osama Bin Ladin was killed and that NYC was celebrating in the streets. I remember that I didn't know how to feel about the situation.
  • A New Home

    When I was thirteen, we moved to a new house out in the country. After school, my siblings and I spent hours exploring the many trails and acres behind our home, and we would wander miles away without our parents ever knowing where we were. For a girl who has always loved being in nature, the move to our new house was a dream come true and it is still one of my favorite places on earth.
  • U.S Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

    I was on a mission trip to New York City when the supreme court legalized same-sex marriage, and it was a big point of discussion between those of us on the trip.
  • #MeToo Movement goes viral

    I remember hearing about the movement, and we had lots of discussion about the reasons behind it.
  • The Move to College

    I moved to Cornerstone when I was eighteen, and my first year was a really hard one. It was challenging to make new friends, find a new church, and start all over. I was very lonely during my first year, but looking back I can see how much God grew me during that time.