The Story of my Life

  • When I was born

    When I was born
    My birthday is considered a right of passage as everyone has a birthday and celebrates it. It was also a life event as I was my parents first child. I was born 3 months premature and was born 2.7 pounds. This has influenced my life by having yearly doctors appointments until the age of 14. The doctor as well told my parents if I made it past the first 24 hours there would be a chance I survive.
  • First day of school

    The first day of school is a life event because from that day on you have many more years of school ahead of you. It is also a social norm as kids in Ontario have to go to school under the law. School has influenced my life by teaching me things I will need in my future, and to help me get a job. It has also helped me make friends and play new sports.
  • First year of hockey

    My first year of hockey was a life event as it was the sport I chose to continue with. It was one of the first sports I played. Hockey has been a significant part of mg life, over my career I have met many people. Some who will be in my life forever. Hockey has also taught me things like dedication and initiative by learning these traits, it will help me through life. Hockey also involves cohort as everyone has to work together and pick each other up.
  • Bill Winstanley Award

    The Bill Winstanley award is for a person who shows good sportsmanship on and off the ice, pushes to be a better player and is very coach able. I felt honoured to receive this award, it was a life event for sure. This award is also apart of my status, when coaches or even just normal people see I have won this award they will know my character.
  • First trip

    First trip
    The first trip I went on was to Newfoundland. This would fall under a right of passage as it is a big event for a family to spend time with each other and go on a trip. This is also a life event for me as I will never forget the fun I had, but it also showed me how people in Newfoundland live.
  • Grandma died

    Grandma died
    When my grandma died there was a transition within my whole family, we had to find a way to cope and find a way to put this past us and continue with our lives. This was extremely hard to do as my grandma meant so much to me, but from the death it brought me closer with my papa and improved our relationship.
  • Winning OMHA

    Winning OMHA
    Winning OMHA is a life event, I will never forget the times I had with that team. It was a crazy experience having that many people at one of my games. My team showed a lot of heart through this experience, the teamwork (cohort) was also a huge part of the success in the season and playoffs.
  • First real purchase

    First real purchase
    My first real purchase was a mountain bike, this was a life event as well as a transition for me. This was my first time spending money I had to work for. This was a transition because from this point on I had to start using my own money to when I wanted stuff. I will never forget how proud I was when I made this purchase.
  • New York

    New York
    New York was a really fun trip to be on. I had a great time with my friends which I will always remember (life event). This trip is significant because I got to hangout with my friends, but I also got to tour New York and see the culture there.
  • Getting G2

    Getting G2
    When I got my G2 it was a significant thing because I now had more freedom. This was also a transition because I was use to driving with one of my parents but I could now drive on my own. With this came roles, I had to drive my sister places, I had to fill the vehicles with gas and I had to listen to the rules my parents set.
  • Graduate high school

    Graduating high school is going to be a transition as I am going to have to move away from home and go to school somewhere else. Graduating high school will also be a rite of passage as this will be a big event in my life.
  • Get into police foundations

    Police foundations is going to be a big transition from high school as I will be in a different town with new friends. It is going to also help my status for when I apply to the academy because they will see I already have training and experience.
  • Buy my first truck

    Getting a truck has been a goal of mine for a while, I would consider it being a rite of passage as it will be a significant event I’m proud of. It will also be a transition for me as I have never had to pay payments for anything before so it will be something new.
  • Police Academy

    The police academy is the final stage before I get a job. It’s going to be a big transition from the police foundations as this is the real thing. To be a police officer for the OPP you must pass this training.
  • Get married

    Getting married is a rite of passage as this is a big goal in life. In marriage there are many roles like being thee for my wife. There are going to be many translations while building this relationship, like moving or having kids. This is definitely going to be a significant part of my life.