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The story of my life

  • My first pet

     My first pet
    The neighbors knocked on the door and asked us if a kitten who was outside the school was from us, my parents answered no, but I went for it and put it in the house, in the end we we stay and take it on vacation
  • My first time in cancun

    My first time in cancun
    It was really spectacular, I went about 4 days in which I had a great time, in one of the 4 days I got sick and I could not go to the sea, it had a temperature and so if it made me sad that day
  • My first love

    My first love
    It was the first time I felt love, was in high school with a beautiful girl a year younger than me, no doubt the best experiences spend with her.
    We went out all the time and enjoyed it so much, the care to take care of her house when she got sick, it was something really beautiful
  • My first broken heart

    My first broken heart
    As everything that starts must end like that with my first love, things started to get so complicated in so many ways, that we decided that the best thing would be to finish things, before continuing to hurt us.
    It was something that hurt me too much, but it was the best for both of us.
    Sometimes everything that lived with her comes to my mind, but each one has already taken very different directions
  • The day of the results

    The day of the results
    I remember that day I was really nervous, because I would not know if I would stay in some high school, I could not open my results, they did not charge me, I told a friend to open my results and he told me that if I had stayed in a prepa
  • my first high school party

     my first high school party
    My first high school party I met all my friends with whom I go to parties, it was very father, I had a great time, but I thought I would have a better time
  • My first camera

     My first camera
    Mi primera camara que compre, para lograr empezar de una manera mas profesional en la fotografia, la compre el dia de mi cumpleaños, desde ese dia no dejo de salir a fotografiar a mis amigos y practicar hasta lograr ser el mejor.
  • My first job

    My first job
    I started working to get some glasses for the camera, I liked quite a lot to go to work on the weekends because you learn to earn your own money with your own effort.
  • The first time I took a photo session with a friend

    The first time I took a photo session with a friend
    Actually I was super nervous because I did not know how to tell him to put himself in a certain way, I was very nervous, but since I was a friend and had confidence it was not that complicated, I'm glad to take photos of a person and go out like me I expected
  • My first costume party

    My first costume party
    Without a doubt the best party I've ever been to, I was disguised and after that party I had problems with a friend, but it was the party where I met the most people and if it took a little but my friends took me to my house and I appreciate.
  • The first time you use photoshop

    The first time you use photoshop
    I was editing a photo that I wanted to edit erasing everything from behind, there were many little things I wanted to remove so that only the person remained and what I was in, I took too much time until I finished it.
    I'm very happy if I could do it and it did not show so much visually.