When I was born.
I was born February 23,2003 at the Ohio state Hospital. -
When I got Baptized.
I got Baptized when I was 1 year old and we celebrated the day that Jesus blessed me. -
My first Graduation.
My first Graduation was when I was in kindergarten at Broadliegh Elementary school. It was really fun and we had a party. -
My first Niece.
My Sister had a baby named Micheal and she was my first Niece I had. Know shes 3 years old. -
My first year in Middle School.
My fist year at middle school was when I was 12 years old at AIMS.Then here I am at Mifflin Middle school In 8 th grade. -
My first visit to Mexico.
My fist visit to Mexico was really fun. I enjoyed it that I didn't want to come back. -
Cedar Point.
During the summer me and my family decided to go somewhere and have fun because it was summer w e had to go out somewhere and we decided to go to Cedar Point. It was really fun and yea h I did got on the roller coasters. -
My second time traveling to Mexico.
It was my second time going to visit my family again there were happy to see me again.It was just fun hanging out with my family.we did go to to places like La Montana del Cristo Rey and las momias de Guanajuato and to walk around the city. -
When we went to go see the statue of our lady of Guadalupe.
We went to Windsor Oh to see the biggest statue of our lady of Guadalupe. It was really nice and we camped that night and we stayed there that day then the next day we just went to downtown cleave land to walk around. -
When I went to the Ohio state Fair.
Me and my family and cousins went to the Ohio state Fair and we got on all the games and we was just having fun. -
The Nun.
Me and my cousins went to the movie theater to watch the Nun it’s a scary movie.It was scary but yeah the movie was good and scary.That day was crazy because every time a scary part happened we would throw popcorn in the air it was just funny we was going crazy.