''The Story Of Me'' Reese H

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born April 9th 2010 at 8am in the morning. When my mom was giving birth to me the doctor said ''Oh Boy'' and my dad was like ''IT'S A BOY''? No the Dr, said, "It's a girl" .I was actually born with dark brown hair and now I have really blond hair.
  • I moved from San Diego, California to Erie ,Pa

    I moved from San Diego, California to Erie ,Pa
    I was born in San Diego California which is sunny and hot all year around. I moved to Erie, a much colder town in the state of Pennsylvania. I didn't know what the winters would be like in Erie since we moved in the month of March. There was still snow, but it melted in April. I have lived in Eire for around 9 years. My favorite part of Erie is the very pretty sunsets I also like how Eire has every season.
  • Started Asbury Elementary

    Started Asbury Elementary
    I am the youngest in my family. When I was in preschool I would run out to my back yard and just wait for my siblings to get home. I'm a walker that's how I get to school and leave school. I was a little nervous walking home that day. I thought I would get lost, but all I needed to do was walk through the baseball fields. On the first day, they left without me. I didn't know what to do. Until I saw my mom in the field waiting for me to finish school. I was very happy
  • Went to New York

    Went to New York
    My cousin lived in New Jersey and we went to visit NYC for a day. I remember the tall buildings and riding on the subway. We also got to go into the American Girl Doll store and the Empire State Building. We also rode in a horse drawn carriage through Central Park.
  • Cross country

    Cross country
    I ran Cross Country for the last six years. Our team name was the Cheetahs. I now help coach the 2nd and 3rd graders.This is the first year without doing cross country and I sort of miss it , so maybe I will sign up again when I am in 8th grade.
  • Got a dog

    Got a dog
    On June 12, 2020, we got a dog named Sawyer. He is an American Brittany. He's a bird hunting dog. He hunt pheasants. Sawyer loves treats, cuddles, and walks. He is very fast and is super cute. I couldn't ask for a better dog, I don't think there is one.
  • White water rafting.

    White water rafting.
    My family and I went camping in Ohio Pile , PA with some other families. There was 26 of us all together. We slept in cabins, had fires, ate good food and played games. We got to go white water rafting. It was a really long trip down the river, about 5 hours. When we were white water rafting it started to thunder and lightning. I was scared even though we were safe. The whole trip was a very fun experience.

  • Went to Michigan

    Went to Michigan
    My family and cousins all drove 6 hours to Harbor Beach, Michigan to visit my Grandma and Grandpa. They live right on the beach. Harbor Beach is a tiny little town, almost to the thumb of Michigan.
    Their house is over 100 years old. We got to jump of the pier and blew up an air track to swim it in the lake. We played a game called King of the Mountain, my Dad would try to get us all to fall off the raft. I loved spending time with my family on that trip.
  • Went to Florida/Disney

    Went to Florida/Disney
    My sister Amelia is on the Mcdowell Comp Cheer team and they got to compete in Orlando, Florida in 2021. We went together as a family to cheer her on. She was busy with her team, so my brother, Mom, Dad and I went to Disney World. We went to Hollywood Studios and my favorite ride was called Rise of the Resistance. We ate dole whip and had Mexican. We finished the night with the fireworks show. My sister team placed 4th & 7th, so proud of all of them. I loved Disney World!
  • Summer Trip to California

    Summer Trip to California
    Our family went to San Diego, CA this summer to visit my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. We went to the beach and went boogie boarding and swam in the Ocean. The sunsets were really pretty there as well. We ate great food, played games. My favorite was showing my Aunts how to use Snap Chat. I loved spending time with my cousin Lila, she is my best friend. I also have 2 other cousins Isaac and Wes, I loved spending time with them as well. I love California, it was very sunny there!
  • Starting 7th Grade

    Starting 7th Grade
    I just started 7th grade a week ago. I like all of my teachers and like that I have some of my friends in my classes. I help coach MYAA cross country 2nd and 3rdgraders. I am also on the cheerleading squad for Walnut Creek, so looking forward to cheering at the games. I had a great summer and I am ready for a new school year.
  • What I will be doing in 2041

    I will have a loving family and Have a wonderful like a doctor.