Guerra civil

The Spanish Civil War

  • Coup d´etat of July 1936

    Coup d´etat of July 1936
    The coup in Spain in July 1936 was a military uprising directed against the Government of the Second Republic, arising from the elections of February of that year that took place in July of that year. Its partial failure led to a civil war and, defeated the Republic, the establishment of a dictatorship in Spain that was in force until the death of its maximum leader Francisco Franco in 1975.
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    The Spanish Civil War

    It was a warlike conflict, which later would also have repercussions in an economic crisis, that started in Spain after the partial failure of the coup d'etat of July 17 and 18, 1936 carried out by a part of the armed forces against the Government of the Second Republic. It conclude on April 1, 1939 with the last part of the war signed by Francisco Franco, declaring his victory and establishing a dictatorship that would last until his death, on November 20, 1975.
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    Blockade of the Strait of Gibraltar

    It is known by the name of the blockade of the Strait of Gibraltar or, simply, as a blockade of the Strait, the naval and air operations that took place as soon as it was known on the afternoon of July 17, 1936 that the coup d'etat had triumphed in the Protectorate of Morocco. The Minister of the Navy José Giral ordered that several warships go to the Strait of Gibraltar to block the passage to the peninsula of the colonial troops and bombard, along with loyal aviation, rebel positions.
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    Guipúzcoa campaign

    The Guipúzcoa campaign was a campaign of the Spanish Civil War in which the Francoist army conquered the north of the province of Guipúzcoa, held by the Republic.
    Initially conceived by General Emilio Mola to advance on Irún to cut off communications between the north of the peninsula and France and connect with the San Sebastian garrison rebels who were besieged by the forces of Augusto Pérez Garmendia.
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    Advance on Madrid, Battle of Guadarrama

    Several columns made up of the capital towards the Sierra de Guadarrama consisted of militiamen and troops from military units that had been dissolved by order of the government to prevent them from joining. to the uprising. There, they managed to prevent the columns of the rebels sent by General Mola from crossing the mountain passes of the Madrid highlands and reaching the capital. This first campaign of the Civil War was known with the name of battle of Guadarrama.
  • Battle of Madrid

    Battle of Madrid
    The rebellious military receive military equipment and soldiers from Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, while the republican government does not receive aid from the Soviet Union until the beginning of the battle of Madrid. The combat was carried out in a relief of the Central Plateau, where the geographical obstacles are not relevant for military operations and it is relatively easy for the military forces to maneuver on both sides, with the exception of the northern mountains, the Central system.
  • Taking of Malaga, Battle of Guadalajara

    Taking of Malaga, Battle of Guadalajara
    The battle of Guadalajara (March 8 to March 23, 1937) was a confrontation in the Spanish civil war developed around the city of Guadalajara in an attempt to penetrate the capital of Spain from the north. The Republican People's Army and the Italian Corpo Truppe Volontarie participated with the Association of assault cars and armored cars, supported by other units of the Francoist Army, specifically the Soria Division.
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    The Northern campaign and the Battles of Brunete and Belchite (and Battle of Bilbao)

    The Northern Campaign began, the attack of the rebel forces against the Cantabrian strip that remained faithful to the Republic but was isolated by land from the rest of the republican zone. The objective of the "nationals" was to control their important mining and industrial resources, in addition to the fact that their conquest would allow the revolted fleet to be transferred to the Mediterranean to try to stop maritime traffic going to the ports. republicans.
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    Battle of Teruel

    The People's Army of the Republic accumulated a large number of men and equipment around the Teruel capital and surrounded it from the rest of the rebellious territory, although the conquest of the city was delayed for two more weeks due to the resistance offered by the garrison and the harsh weather conditions. The last uprising bastions surrendered in early January 1938 and Republican troops became defensive against the increasingly intense counter-offensive of the Francoist armies.
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    Battle del Ebro

    It was a decisive confrontation of the war, since the end of the Civil War was decided in it, in a European context immersed in the Sudeten crisis, which seemed to be on the verge of exploding, and which would end up uniting the European war with the war in Spain. The republican army managed to obtain an important initial victory, but the final victory was for the rebels. A large number of human and material losses and four months of fighting later, the republican troops crossed the Ebro again.
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    Offensive on Cataluña

    It was the set of military operations that took place in Catalonia between December 1938 and February 1939 within the framework of the Spanish civil war, and which resulted in the victory of Franco's troops. The objective of the rebels was the capture of Barcelona and the republican redoubt of Catalonia, since it was a question of occupying a very important Spanish city that, along with the rest of the Catalan region, had remained on the republican side since the beginning of the war.
  • Defeat of the Republic (Coup d'etat of Casado)

    Defeat of the Republic (Coup d'etat of Casado)
    The Casado coup d'état was one of the last acts of the Spanish civil war. The "Casadista" coup brought down the republican government of the socialist Juan Negrín, who defended continuing to resist, despite the fact that, after the fall of Catalonia in early February 1939, the situation of the Republic was desperate.
  • Last part of the Spanish civil war

    Last part of the Spanish civil war
    "En el día de hoy, cautivo y desarmado el ejército rojo, han alcanzado las tropas nacionales sus últimos objetivos militares. La guerra ha terminado. Burgos, 1º de abril de 1939, año de la victoria. El Generalísimo. Fdo. Francisco Franco Bahamonde."