The Slow Climb

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    How I Learned English

  • Introduction to English

    Introduction to English
    During my time in china which was around the years of 2010-2011, I was introduced to this tool which was kind of like a talking pen. At this time i was 4 or 5, and this pen invention had drawn my attention an I was fascinated. This pen would speak out words in English if you had tapped the words within the book. This was how I learned my first English word, Apple.
  • My First Book

    My First Book
    Every since I've moved from China to America things have been different. I've been learning more and more English, however I was still not with the same level as the other students. I remember being pulled out of class to learn English at a slower pace because the lessons in class were faster and more advanced for my level at the time. This was when I realized the struggle and I started to pick up books in my free time. My first ever book that I struggled with was, "Clifford the Big Red Dog."
  • My First Bully

    My First Bully
    I was in 3rd grade, during recess. I was having fun with my friends racing each other to see who was the fastest, however, this was until I was confronted by my bully Mohammed. My inability to speak English had convinced him that I was an easy target so he threw a basketball at my head. I started crying, whilst he was spitting swears at me left and right. To this I remember this core memory and this inspires me to continue learning and staying educated as this memory traumatizes me.
  • My Progression to 7th Grade

    My Progression to 7th Grade
    As I studied more and more and learned through school, I started to get fluent at English. I was able to communicate to others like anyone else would. However this did not mean I don't have room for improvement. One thing I had really realized that came to mind was my accent was completely different. Whenever I spoke in English I had dropped my Chinese accent. But when I were to speak at home and speak Chinese I would have the normal Chinese accent I had prior to learning English.
  • Learning How to Write Essays

    Learning How to Write Essays
    The next year, 8th grade, things have been different. It had felt like everything was moving so fast and that work loads have been increased. I know as you climb the grades workloads increase, but I feel as if 8th grade was the start of the harder stages of school whereas its the year before high school and getting you ready. In 8th grade was were they mainly told you how to construct essays and how to deliver them to your audience. They taught us this by using the essay organizer.
  • My First Ever Essay

    My First Ever Essay
    My first ever essay was written in Freshmen year of high school. However I had written essays that were before freshmen, they were done with the help of a teacher and the use of the Essay organizer. My first essay was about how COVID-19 had impacted the year. During this time, we were distance learning due to the COVID-19. COVID was a huge obstruction to my education as I did not learn as much as I would've liked, however, I was able to construct an Essay about how the year was.
  • Sophomore Year

    Sophomore Year
    At the end of summer of going into my Sophomore year, I was panicking. I thought everything was going to crumble on me in reference to workload. However whenever I got through the year I was completely fine due to my studying. This was when i realized I can push myself to go into a Better class such as AP Lang.
  • The Present Day

    The Present Day
    Today is 9/8/2022 I´m now enrolled into AP Lang and trying to chase my AP Credit for this Course. I´m hoping to challenge myself and push forward and try my best to pass this course and the AP Exam.