The Spread Of Islam

By 17heath
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad's Enlightenment

    Muhammad's Enlightenment
    Muhammad frequently took his family to the cave Grahir to meditate. One day while he was there the Angel Gabriel came to him and preached to him, he was so scared he went to his wife and she comforted him and believed what the angel told him. She is known for being the first muslim. He was slient for several months after, but then started preaching the word of god to the people, and his teachings became the Qur'an.
  • Jan 1, 621

    Muhammad's Night Journey

    Muhammad's Night Journey
    After Muhammad had preached for a while, he was given another vision from their god, Allah, taking him from Mecca to Jerusalem. This journey is called his Night Journey, because it happend in Muhammad's sleep. When he got to Jerusalem he ascended into the gates of heaven, through the Dome of the Rock monument, and prayed with many previous prophits. He then met with Allah and was told to pray five times a day.
  • Jan 1, 622


    While Muhammad was preaching in Mecca his followers and he were being threatend by the community. They then traveled to Yatrhib to preach there to the Jewish community, this journey was called Hijrah. He did not convert the community to Islam, but he did gain some followers, creating the first Muslim community called Umma.
  • Jan 1, 630

    Declared Ka'aba Sacred

    Declared Ka'aba Sacred
    After Muhammad had gained power in Medina, he went back to Mecca with military force and took control. He then converted the community to Islam . In 630 he declared that the Ka'ba was a sacred shrine of the Muslim faith. The Ka'aba was a stone that was said to have been meteor sent by the gods.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad's Death
    Two years after Muhammad declared the Ka'aba sacred to the Muslim faith Muhammad died. In this time period someones' son would be their successor, unfortunetly Muhammad did not have any sons. This brought around the problem on who his successor will be.
  • Apr 1, 632

    Problem of the Successors

    Problem of the Successors
    Muhammad's successors were called Caliphs, literally meaning "successor". The community named Abu Bakr Caliph, who assisted in the expansion the empire. After Abu's death and other successors deaths Mu'awiya obtaned the title. Mu'awiya then made all the future Caliphs to be apart of his family called Umayyads.
  • Period: Jan 1, 636 to Jan 1, 650

    Creatiion/Spread of Arabian Empire

    The death of Muhammad started the Araibian Empire. His successor Abu Bakr led the empire to expand. At this time the Byzantine and Persian Empires were in conflict with each other, so they were weakend. It was at this time that the Arabian Empire defeated them and took possesion of their land.The main reason they expanded was to expand their trade routes and for them to convert more people to Islam. They did not force people to convert, but if they did not convert they had to pay a tax instead.
  • Jan 1, 661

    The Umayyads

    The Umayyads
    The Umayyads were a large mercahant family, they were split up into two groups: The Sufyanids and the Marwanids. The Sufyanids focussed in their new capital called Damascus and got majority of their power from the Syrian army. The Ummayads rule was not appreciated, becuase it was as Arthur Goldschmidt said, "more political than pious". They were not liked, because they were not descendents of Muhammad.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Rise Against Umayyads

    Rise Against Umayyads
    The Umayyad's were strongly disliked by the Sunnis. They wanted a leader to be the descedent of Muhammad. The Umayyad supporters were the Shi'ites, they wanted a ruler who was qualified. In 680 the Sunnis tried to defeat the Umayyads, but failed. Finally in 750 led by Abu al-Abbas they defeated them, this led to the start of the Abbasid Dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Seljuk Turks Take Control

    Seljuk Turks Take Control
    While the Muslims were within civil wars, the Seljuk Turks invaded in the early 11th century. They lived within the empire, but it wasn't until 1055 that they took control of Baghdad and became the new rulers, called sultans. In some ways the Turks invasion was seen as a good thing, because it united the community, instead of hating each other, they hated the Turks together.
  • Apr 4, 1111

    Works Cited

    Duiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. The Essential World History. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. Print. The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Umayyad Dynasty (Islamic History)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2014. "Muhammad's Night Journey to Jerusalem." - Jerusalem Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2014.
  • Period: to

    Harun's Reign

    Emperor Harun al-Rashid led the Islamic community into the Abbasid Dynasty, also known as Golden Age. It was called the Golden Age, because of all its achievements, such as the capital being moved to Baghdad and creating an environment used by scholars for their inventions and discoveries. Many exciting things were happening, paper was introduced by the Chinese, trade flourished, and an exchange in cultural ideas were present.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1055

    Civil Wars

    When Harun died it created conflict between his two sons. Both wanted to rule, and their disputes led to civil wars amoungst the Islamic community, these civil wars led to the distruction of Baghdad, leading to the end of the Abbasid Dynasty, all the luxuries they onced enjoyed were destroyed. These civil wars weakend and distracted the population, making an invasion much easier.