The most Sudanese timeline of Sudan

  • The first Sudan civil war

    The first Sudan civil war
  • Sudan achieved independence

    Sudan achieved independence
    In 1954 the governments of Egypt and Britain signed a treaty guaranteeing Sudanese independence on January 1, 1956.
  • General Ibrahim Abboud staged a military coup against the elected government

    General Ibrahim Abboud staged a military coup against the elected government
    General Ibrahim Abboud staged a military coup against the elected government
  • 2nd Civil War + SPLA

    2nd Civil War + SPLA
    Second Sudanese Civil War: A war began between government forces and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) led by John Garang.
  • South Sudan became self-governing

    South Sudan became self-governing
    The Addis Ababa Agreement, reached between the Sudanese government and the Anyanya, created a self-governing region in the south of the country
  • Gaafar Nimiery intruduced Sharia Law

    Gaafar Nimiery intruduced Sharia Law
    in 1983 he imposed Sharia law throughout the country, which caused the Second Sudanese Civil War
  • Transition Military Council

    Transition Military Council
    Nimeiry was deposed and replaced by the Transitional Military Council.
  • Bashir the President

    Bashir the President
    Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir got elected President!
  • State of Emergency

    State of Emergency
    A state of emergency was declared by President Bashir following a struggle of power wit Hassan al-Turabi.
  • Bashir was re-elected for a five-year term as President

    Bashir was re-elected for a five-year term as President
    Bashir got elected again, to be the president for another five years.
  • UN killings in Darfur

    UN killings in Darfur
    A UN official accused pro-government Janjaweed militias of carrying out planned killings in Darfur
  • John Danforth and the Special Envoy

    John Danforth and the Special Envoy
    United States Senator John Danforth was appointed Special Envoy to Sudan.