
The Mexican Revolution

  • 1913

    Huerta joins Felix Díaz and Bernardo Reyes in planning a coup against Madero.
    During ten tragic days from Feb. 9-18, in México City, the forces of Huerta, Díaz, and Reyes attack Madero’s army. Madero, his brother, and his vice president José María Pino Suárez are killed and Huerta assumes the presidency. Venustiano Carranza drafts a Plan de Guadalupe that accuses Huerta of restoring a
    dictatorship and committing treason on March 26 and Carranza calls for a return to the values....
  • 1915

    Carranza's supporters, under the direction of Alvaro Obregon, defeated Villa at the Battle of Celaya on April 13 and Zapata's supporters are defeated. This battle was a decisive turning point in the Mexican Revolution. Later in August, Carranza returns to Mexico City and the United States recognizes him as Mexico's president.
  • 1884

    Porfírio Díaz begins his second term as president of México and modifies the constitution to stay in power.
  • 1893

    Victor Ochoa launches a revolutionary movement against Diaz and is the first Mexican American to do so. Ochoa was a Texas Mexican activist and a supporter of the Mexican Revolution. He was bitterly opposed to the dictatorship of President Diaz and became involved in the fight by Mexican Rebels in the early 1890's to overthrow him. Ochoa's participation in revolutionary activities led to his arrest in 1893, but again in 1894 he announced to the public that he is still going to fight.
  • 1896

    After movements inspiring uprisings along the northern border, Teresita Urrea ,is banished by Diaz and goes to El Paso for exile. For years the Mexican government had involved the Indians of Northern Mexico with genocidal wars and land seizures, and Teresa believed that the land belonged to the native Indians and that it should not be stolen from them. This ended up with the rebellion of the Yaqui, Tomochiteco, Tarahumara and Mayo Indians, with Urrea leading them, named Battle of the Tomochic.
  • 1906

    Brothers Ricardo and Enrique Magon make plans to form an anarchist movement in El Paso which are later known as the Magonistas. The Magonistas were known as people who shared the same ideas as the brothers, to overthrow the dictatorship of Diaz in any way they needed to, whether it would be to use violence or not. But here plan in El Paso fails.
  • 1908

    The brothers make a second plan to take over Ciudad Juarez, but this plan fails as well.

    Diaz also announces that he will retire at the end of his term because Mexican is ready for free elections.
  • 1909

    U.S President William Taft meets with Diaz in El Paso was the first meeting in history between a president of the United States and a president of Mexico. Diaz agreed to the invitation believing it would restore his lost popularity and remind his countrymen that in "spite of his years, he was still in firm control".
  • 1910

    Diaz runs for reelection but when Francisco Madero enters, Diaz puts Madero in jail to win the election. After, Madero escapes to San Antonio, TX and drafts the Plan of San Luis Potosí that calls for the "overthrow of the Diaz regime". On November 20, the Revolution begins with insurrections within states of northern Mexico. During this time, many Mexicans flee to El Paso and the U.S in fear of persecution, exile, and death.
  • 1911

    Medero' troops attack federal troops in Ciudad Juarez known as the Battle of Juarez, from May 8-10. The loss in Juarez, causes Diaz to resign and flee to Paris, France on May 25. After Diaz flees, Madero wins the election of Mexican Presidency. Emiliano Zapata drafts the Plan de Ayala that denounces Madero and recognizes Orozco as the leader of the revolution and calls for a land reform on November,25.
  • 1912

    Orozco breaks his alliance with Madero and Madero then assigns Villa and Victoriano Huerta to fight Orozco's rebels in the north.
  • 1913 Continued..

    1913 Continued..
    .... Of the Constitution of 1857. Later Villa attacks Huerta's troops in the Second Battle of Juarez.
  • 1914

    U.S president Woodrow Wilson sends troops to occupy Veracruz, Mexico in April. In July, Villa's forces defeat Huerta's forces in Zacatecas and Huerta resigns. After, Carranza declares himself president but the claim is contested. Later in November Carranza flees to Veracruz where he negotiates the removal of U.S Troops.
  • 1916

    Villa’s supporters attack a train in Santa Ysabel, Chihuahua, and kill 17 Americans, which included employees of the American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) and later raids Columbus in March. After that General John J. Pershing leads 10,000 soldiers into México in a “Punitive Expedition”
    that fails to capture Villa.
  • 1917

    A New Mexican Constitution is drafted and Carranza is the one elected president!
  • 1919

    Villa is defeated at the last Battle of Juárez and Zapata is assassinated at Chinamecca!
  • 1920

    And Obregon is elected president of Mexico!